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saya kok udh beli lcd sonny z5 3kali tapi selalu gak mau nyala lagi(cacat)beli oriya dmn ya?
I have already bought the Sony Z5 LCD 3 times but always don't want to turn on again (defective), buy oriya, hmm?
perhaps the issue might be a faulty ribbon or maybe the motherboard, hard to tell
Hi @Wulan1, welcome to our forum!
I have translated your question to English as this is an International forum, please post any replies in English and it will be easier for me and other users to assist you.
If you have bought 3 different displays and it still doesn't turn on, it's not the screen that is the cause of this, it's some other internals.
My guess is what @uliwooly mentioned, the ribbon cable, but it's very hard to say when neither of us are trained technicians.