Unable to Delete In built apps in Xperia XA Ultra


Unable to Delete In built apps in Xperia XA Ultra

Please fix issue regarding built in apps like gameloft apps and Google Apps. Unable to Delete apps. Please add Screen recored Thank you..

some apps comes pre installed, and can not be removed only disabled http://www.computerworld.com/article/2966113/windows-pcs/bloatware-what-it-is-and-how-to-get-rid-of-...


They "could" be removed with root. But we won't get that anytime soon for these phones. Disable apps is best bet.

Sony have always been pretty good, but even I agree on this with my new xa social media apps certainly shouldn't be system apps that's ridiculous that Facebook is a system app how much are they paying Sony for that? The only reason I can think of why it would suddenly be a system app and AVG lagfest antivirus is not needed on Android. There's to much junk taking up space that no way needs to be included as system apps for a start. And until Someone can come up with a way to back up drm/ta keys on the new xa devices I'm not unlocking my Bootloader to get root as this is the only way to remove them. This is the only problem I have with Sony

Out of 16 gb we are getting very less fraction for our own use as Android 6 is almost 6 gb in size and to add to our problem there are these useless apps which still occupy a lot of space even when we do everything we can to remove them. And everyone knows that they can't be fully removed. So why are we forced to keep the app which we don't use or maybe will never use. According to my calculations if we are able to remove them, WE WILL GET EXTRA 1 GB OF SPACE. [☣️☣️☣️NOTE--THIS IS WHEN YOU HAVE DONE YOUR BEST TO MINIMIZE THE SPACE TAKEN BY BLOATWARE☣️☣️☣️].
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So my question is that WILL an update come that will slash down the bloatware.

33.2.A.2.73 update created 1gb extra free space on internal memory. But I do agree compared to my previous Xperia devices there's way to much bloatware, and Facebook shouldn't be a system app EVER

@display140 root is available for all the x range, but only with a unlocked bootloader and there's no way to back up ta keys on the x range either.

I purchased XA Ultra Dual last week in India. It comes with pre-installed AVG and Clean Master. Both the apps have anti-virus protection. AVG comes with 180 days Pro version. Both the apps scan installation/updates of new apps. Is there any option to keep only one? Uninstall doesn't work and removes only updates.
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You can disable them, it will warn if you want to remove the updates, click yes and you'll get the app disabled, not running... But it will occupy some space anyway.

My opinion... Disable them all.