Hi everybody.
I have found a few issues while working with Vaio Gate.
1st of all :
_Insufficient personalizing options. There are no options to add/delete dividers in order to organize icons by issues.
_Toolbar ment to be at the top. There are no options to change the position to both sides which is a pain in the ... as it suddenly appears on your way when tring to close/minimize windows.
The most important issue
_I've been waiting for over 6 minutes on Windows start up for Vaio Gate to load. I have disable many programs on Windows start up in order to minimize the time of loading with no luck. Problem started when adding short cuts to the toolbar. 26 short cuts actually added.
Hope this message helps to improove this software.
We just have to check the new windows toolbar by Dell for instance to realize how Sony can make improovements.
If anyone have any solutions to this issues is welcome. I could probably miss something.