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As stated in the manual, i am trying to produce the recovery dvd's for my VGN-AW21M laptop.
It says it needs 3 disks, but after the first disk is written, it asks for a second, it immediately throws out the second disk and this message appears:
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\BURN\AUTORUN-COPY failed during recursive folder copy.
I tried 3 times and ruined 6 disks.
Does Sony not send you these recovery disks if you ask them?
Or maybe someone can help me produce these disks myself, any help appreciated!
Hi there,
I know it's no consolation but I am having similar problems producing backup dvd discs.
I would also like some advice.
Regards Keith
Icecubix / keithdh1204 - Welcome to ClubVaio !
Normally, this procedure (Create Recovery Discs) is easy and quick.
Can I suggest Sony discs instead of other discs ? Some reported issues are solved with this easy change.
Thanks for the swift reply, I used Fujifilm DVD+R, maybe Sony disks will do the trick, I'll give it a go when i get my hands on those.
OK, tried it with Sony DVD's, same problem, i now even get the message: some of the recovery disk may already been made, yeah sure, I ruined over 15 DVD's by now! It says 3 disks are needed, it uses 1 disk and asks for a 2nd, doesnt accept it and kills the proces.
Contacted Sony support 4 days ago, no answer!
I will forward your request for Sony directly.
Please, give me a feel days to receive an answer...
Thanks, Itbroker, appreciate your efforts cause I'm really stuck here...
Hi Icecubix,
have you installed the VAIO Recovery Center Update
If not you can download the updates from Vaio support..
To open Vaio support, either by clicking Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support
Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list, in your case VGN AW.
Then next to Select Model - select AW21M
Then click Log-In
Once logged select Downloads and follow the installation instructions..
Sony confirmed that received your email and did not answered yet, 'cause in the past weeks occurred a back-log on the e-mail support.
The Sony team this weekend will have many people doing over-time to finish with the back-log.
For sure, next week you will receive a direct answer from Sony.
I installed every update there is, including the Recovery Center update.
I tried different brands DVD's,also with DVD RW, now I tried even Sony DVD+R AND also Sony DVD-R.
It says it needs 3 disks, but after the first disk is written, it asks for a second, it immediately throws out the second disk and this message appears:
C:\WINDOWS\TEMP\BURN\AUTORUN-COPY failed during recursive folder copy.
This has been costing me not only a lot of working hours, cause writing the first disk takes almost an hour every time, but also a lot of money because of the ruined disks.
I even turned everything off ,during the procedure, running in the background, including the wireless switch, didnt even touch the mouse, so the computer could dedicate all its resources to producing the recovery disks.
After 3 weeks of sending the e-mail to Sony, STILL no reply.
SONY, you can do better than this!