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Hidden Form?


Hidden Form?

Hey all,got the last problem with the vista thing sorted out in the end grand.
Now this isnt rly much of a problem so much as just peculiar.
When I first got this laptop (VGN - NS30E) there was a thing called Hidden Form on the list of applications running alongside normal things like firefox and itunes. It doesnt show up in the toolbar at the bottom of the screen but when i use the keyboard shortcut to cycle through the stuff it shows up (Alt + Tab) as an icon with a white background with three small coloured boxes to the side of it.
As far as I can tell it doesnt do anything at all and theres no sign of it being there at all except through the shortcut thing and in the Task Manager.
I tried using the End program command in the Task Manager and it does so, but when i restart its back again.
Now for some reason I have two of the icons showing up now when I use the cycle app shortcut.

Does anyone have a clue what this is about?


Hi Flashmac,

I have no idea what the application ‘Hidden Form’ is, but I suggest that you have a look in Task Manager to find what .exe this is running. A Google should then provide further information...

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Ye thanks I right-clicked on it and then went to "Go to Process" in Task Manager and it pointed me to a file called Marketing Tool. Tis some Sony file and it was alongside the Registration Reminder file. Well im glad I know that now,thanks for the help

You’re welcome Flashmac.

You can stop this from running at start up by running msconfig (Start -> Run -> enter msconfig in the dialog box and click OK -> click on the Startup tab and uncheck Marketing Tools.

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