Share your experience!
Good morning everyone. My name is Nicolás, I'm from Argentina. Before yesterday, I connected my phone to a laptop to transfer some files, I clarified that I did it with the USB cable that came with the phone, just before I had loaded it, that is, the phone had 90% battery. As soon as I connect it to the laptop, I hear the low battery warning and the phone turns off. I turn it on again and it automatically restarted, and so on until the battery is completely exhausted. I left it all night charging and did not mark the red charge LED, I assumed it was the charging pin or the battery itself ... the next day in the morning I connect a cable that is to measure the voltage and amperes and the charging pin was in perfect condition and the battery began to charge with that cable ... The phone turned on correctly all day, but here comes the problem, the load is too slow all day loading never exceeding 30% which in 1hs the phone is fully charged.
Can anyone help me know what is happening before changing the battery? Thank you.
Hi @Gutkin, welcome to our forum and I'm sorry to hear about this.
Could you try charging your device using the wall mounted charger that was included together with your device and see if there is any change? Charging using a USB port is a lot slower.
You can also try charging your device when it's powered off and see if you are able to charge it above 30%.
Let me know how it goes!
Good morning, thank you for your response.
I tell you the proof I did after I had the problem. Allow the terminal to discharge completely. I left it for 6 hours, then I put it back up to 100% without turning on the terminal, I waited 2 more hours and then turned it on. In this way in theory the battery should be "reset" .With the charger mounted to the wall, the original slow continuous charge, leave it overnight charging, in the morning I uncooked it with the battery 100% after a time the battery with use did not go down and suddenly the phone is turned off by dialing 0%, without having done the complete download process is to say that 95% step to 0%.
Now I am using a 2 amp charger but it is not the solution.
I clarify that always load it with the wall charger, the usb to the pc I use it only to transfer data.
Can you explain me well?
Hi again @Gutkin!
Based on your reply the behaviour you are experiencing does not seem to be related to the device charging slowly but rather shutting down due to the battery percentage going from a high % to 0% in a short time span, is that correct? I just want to make sure that I give you the best possible troubleshooting steps for the behaviour that you are experiencing.
If that is what occurs in your device, please charge it to full and then restart your device in safe mode and see if you experience the same behaviour when downloaded applications aren't loaded.
Keep me posted!