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M4 Aqua stuck on blue wave


M4 Aqua stuck on blue wave

My Sony M4 Aqua suddenly turned off while I stream videos, when I turn it on again it's now stuck on blue wave. I tried Pow + Vol Up + Down to hard reset but it only vibrates then nothing happen. I tried to use Xperia Companion but the program can't detect my phone ( Press Vol Down while plugging the cord to computer right ? I did that many times but even while I waited for like an hour, it can't detect it so I can't repair ). No it didn't restart while it's on blue wave, its just keep going. Please help.

Sorry if my english is bad.


Spróbuj przycisnac procesor jest pod camera,umie było podobnie cały czas stawał na logo sony dałem na serwis ale wygrali nowego androida 6.0 i dalej stawał na logo sony.docisnolem procka i działa.good hop heh

Try to press the processor is under the camera, he knew how it all the time stood on the logo sony I gave on the site but they won a new android 6.0 and further became the logo of the Sony Prock and work. From hop heh