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My Xperia Z5 Premium won't turn on.
I've pressed and held the power button. Didn't work. The hard reset is not working. I tried pressing the off button near the SIM and tried turning it on again. Didn't work.
Also when i hook it onto the charger the notification light doesn't light up. PC Companion isn't recognizing it either.
Please help!
Risolto Andare alla soluzione.
ty man that worked for me , io thought my phone was dead for and my ultimate sone phone was dead over night for no reason .
thanks alot man i hope u hear something good soon in your live
Hi, experiencing same problem. just gone through your discussions and possible solutions. Tried everything but still not working. My warranty is over and I guess this is it for this phone 😕
Our local Sony distributor apparently does not repair Sony mobile phones. What are my options?
Thanks, you saved my phone!
how the trick to get my z5 premium back to life?
Thank you, it worked
Hello, I live in rural Alaska and do not have local support. My phone will not turn on.
My Sony Xperia z5 premium was not booting up, pressing power and volume key together for 15 seconds made it boot again , thanks for the solution
Thanks, power and volume up also fixed my same issue of no response to any buttons or charging, where the reset button didn't fix it.
Now 2019 in November, I'm still using this phone and the trick works just now..Thanks