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Z5 Premium not turning on


Z5 Premium not turning on

My Xperia Z5 Premium won't turn on.

I've pressed and held the power button. Didn't work. The hard reset is not working. I tried pressing the off button near the SIM and tried turning it on again. Didn't work.

Also when i hook it onto the charger the notification light doesn't light up. PC Companion isn't recognizing it either.

Please help!


first of all put the phone idle for 20 to 30 makes the battry empty...the connect the charger , if its led showing on then continue charge it... but if led dosnt on then disconnect it and try after 20 hours ....


I had the same problem.

And this worked.

It was like magic.

What was the problem that caused my device to do this?

Thanks for the help!


I can do the same with a Xperia Z5?

It´s the same problem.


Holy cow that was scary!  Your fix did the trick!  Thank you so much.  I wish all of the problems we look up with our devices were that easy to find easy fixes.  Thanks lifesaver!!


thank you so much it works!!!!😂 and i almost gave up


Great, thanks for the info.

My Z5 was at about 50% battery at 22.00 hrs. In the morning 08:00 it was dead. I plugged it in to the charger and it said it was charging. I turned it on at 2% and it shutdown and went black brick. No LED's etc.

I read this thread, left it plugged in for 2 hours.

I tried the power on with volume + for 15 secs but to no success.

Removed the Sim Card and SD card and it turned straight on. Battery was at 55%.

I shut it down again and put the cards back in and turned it back on and i'm up and running again.

I'll try not to let it get to zero again and if it does i'll let it charge for a while before trying to trun it on.

Hope this helps someone.


Hi Jake.... I had the same prob.. and your solution worked... thank you! Cheers!



Mine was the same fault, but not the same result.

took it off charge after a night of charging( Previously working fine). Display worked as expected, but 'No Network' was shown in the top corner. Network is always good here.

Went to work and still 'No Network'. waited 4-5 hours. Still 'No Network'.

Long press power button, then tapped restart. Phone turned into brick! Nothing from any key presses or combinations.

Eventually with long press of vol. up and power buttons i got 3 buzz notification, but that was all. Still a brick. After that, nothing. 

Red led in top right on when charging, but other than that, NOTHING. 

Took it to my nearest o2 shop and they were next to useless. Guy couldn't even fine the IMEI slip next to the sim tray. 

Sent away for repair under warranty. We'll see what comes back. I'll keep you posted.


I am using the Xperia z5 premium model, and after falling from a non-high altitude yesterday, my smartphone will not continue to boot and only the red lamp blinks 3 times. And when booting, only the logo screen will be turned off. I tried booting several times yesterday and once it booted normally, it went out after a while.


My phone z5 is doing same as this, did you find a fix?