Unable to uninstall some apps


Unable to uninstall some apps

Why i can't completely remove some Apps like (Avg Antivirus, Spotify, hangouts) from the XZ ?


Because they are installed in the system partition and without root access you can only disable those apps.
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It's normal practic from manufactors. Most models have some apps which impossible to delete without root as siad, Viridis. For example Google apps like your mentioned Hangout, Gmail, Google Play and others. But keep in mind that root can void your warranty, brick your smartphone and nobody will not responsible for damaged phone. Just know that you can easily hide these apps in apps settings (disable option) Slightly_smiling_Face


Facebook is the app I hate being packaged.. I just find it offensive to have 300mb taking up space on internal when I can do the exactly the same and have advanced options from a browser

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@NeoBeum wrote:

Facebook is the app I hate being packaged.. I just find it offensive to have 300mb taking up space on internal when I can do the exactly the same and have advanced options from a browser

Facebook app after update in C5 Ultra Dual (Lollipop 5.1) possible to delete without root Slightly_smiling_Face


Good luck on the other phones
Not applicable

@NeoBeum wrote:
Good luck on the other phones

Grinning_Face Coz i have Facebook account, for me it's not so important, sad that there are others apps which i don't use and can't install without root Slightly_smiling_Face