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The new dialer app (Android 7): Contacts tab


The new dialer app (Android 7): Contacts tab

I see that the new dialer app is implemented to closely resemble the app used by Google's Nexus devices. This is nice, considering that Favorites page is the most useful one and it appears to be a good match to the Google's app.

However, I don't immediately see the "Contacts to display" option in the Contacts tab of that app. Currently Contacts tab lists all my contacts. Meanwhile, I want to display only Google contacts with a specific label. How do I do that? Is it implemented?


Great upgrade.

@Korben-Dallas Yeah, you need to access the contacts app separately to choose the filters.


@alexdon wrote:

@Korben-Dallas Yeah, you need to access the contacts app separately to choose the filters.

It looks like I was too quick to blame Sony's version. Google's app does not have that functionality either. (I somehow believed that it did.)

However, one annoying difference is still there: Sony's new dialer insists on opening Call Log tab by default, while Google's app opens Favorites tab by default. I can see how some people might prefer Call Log... Myself, I'd rather it opened Favorites.

A user-selectable setting would by useful in this case.

We can try to escalate this, meanwhile you could try to forward the idea as user feedback to your Local support.


I'm rather fond of the MM dialer. It will be a shame to see it go.

I have a big issue with my new Sony Xperia XZ

Back when I was on z3c there was a lot of options within the contacts where you can link and unlink accounts to choose what you want your contacts so that they don't get spammed with a lot of useless names... (Facebook and messenger). Besides the lack of this option on my Sony Xperia xz, when I go to settings and unlock Facebook from my accounts (mind that I have CLEARLY selected 'don't link this to my contacts' and it has done it anyway...) these contacts are still there!

So as I searched the Internet I noticed that if we delete the Facebook app completely the contacts should disappear.... NO. Big fat lie.

I even restarted the whole device... Still no luck.

So I thought... I will just choose a multiple delete options and get rid of them that way... Hahahaha, you silly developers have decided to get rid of that option too!!!

I'm sick of you guys keep on taking VERY USEFUL options from your phones. Every time the new Xperia is lacking very useful options such as the above mentioned from your newest handsets... Its not funny anymore.

Now I'm stuck with 1500 names that are useless to me, and if I want to get rid of them I have to do so one-by-one or reset my phone to factory settings...

If there is something that I am missing out please tell me and I will be happy to change my view on this. If there is no way of doing that then I have had enough of this and I will be selling my handset and moving onto the newest HTC, which I know for a fact is a great and very underestimated handset.

Sony you have disappointed me big time.

I'm confused now... So how do I fix this?

Are you guys telling me I need to search for a third party app to be able to modify my contacts?

This is ridiculous.

First they got rid of landscape menu and stamina mode for models older than z5, now they got rid of magnetic charging still no front menu rotate option and now THIS?

I just would like to be able to see my contacts without pointless scrolling and searching for what I want...
Why should I have over a 1000 names on my phone...

I feel cheated by Sony... Especially that now you guys are telling me that there is no chance of fixing this simple request that older models done in seconds...

This new Xperia is a joke, so were the new updates for z3c....

Roll back to Marshmallow if you're unhappy.

So sorry did not mean to hijack the post by my first essay somehow managed to paste it from elsewhere...

The thing is the latest HTC 10 flagship has those contact options within their version of the latest android, so sony had no reason to remove them rather than their personal preference...

And that's so very unnecessary and very very very annoying...