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Status bar randomly disappears


Status bar randomly disappears

I've been having an issue where the status bar woukd randomly disappear at some point. It's not completely gone, it just retracts and i need to pull down from the top in order for it to temporarily reappear. And in order to get to the notification/quicm settings meu I have to pull down twice.

The issue seems to only solve itself after restarting the phone, but then again after a few hours the same issue happens.

As you can tell, it's quitr annoying.

Is there anyone else having this issue? I'm running android nougat.

The latest update of google app has solved the notification bar issue.

I had same sort of issue first the notification dropdown menu used to disappear and had to pll it down again then it further worsened and the whole screen begain shakey it automatically used to close and start apps and screen shuffeled left and right on its own. Now upper side of touch is not working and unable to pull the notification bar down went to the store where i purchased and they want me to give them my phone for repairs and this process will take two weeks this time sony has let me down not very good quality phones anymore and what will i do for two weeks without a phone