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Issue with ram/junk (clean master)


Issue with ram/junk (clean master)

I've been using an app called clean master and so far it's been good since today and I need some help..

I haven't cleaned the junk for about a week and today I did it. I also boosted the ram. However once I clean the junk and boost more space on the ram if I leave the phone for 5 Mins or so the junk goes back up to 1.5gigs to clean again and the ram usage increases again... I have never encountered this before.

Just wanted to get some help on this because since I have been using clean master to clean the junk I have never had an increase to over 1+gigs within such a short space of time without hardly using the phone.

It isn't really advisable to use such apps. Android system is smart enough to optimize itself and regulate ram usage. These apps might appear to boost something but in reality they just give you a placebo effect. Force closing apps to free up ram will add to battery drain, since after boost these apps will open app again and will consume more battery charge as opposed to being in idle or sleep state in the background.

free  ram is wasted ram...
apps will work faster if they are already in memory as it will not need to load.
If you are not using it =  it is in idle state, Android will clean it itself - apps not used for long time or Android will do this in case you will use entire ram memory.

All task killer are pure garbage and harm to your operating system, also it is only causing additional and unnecessary battery drain.

Please uninstall any 3rd party task killers to fix the issue.