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Xperia XA Ghost Touch


Xperia XA Ghost Touch

Is there any way to fix ghost touchs on these screens, getting a constant tap on the screen where the k is when you pull up the keyboard is very inconsistent sometimes double tap then nothing for bit, then another tap or three, and every now and then rapid tapping

Posts like ghost touch, lags and stutters makes me feel paranoid about my newly bought XA Ultra. I hope I didn't make a mistake getting this phone. 


Hi @BlckCrw7,

Ghost touches can be caused by a number of things. The most common is screen protectors. Do you have a screen protector on your phone?

Hi @gencaerus,

You don't need to worry too much. This is a support forum, so nearly everyone posting here has an issue, but they will be in the minority of users. People don't usually come here when everything is working OK. :smileysmileywink:

If you do experience any issues, the users and support staff here are happy to help. :smileysmileythumbsup: