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Compatability speakers with other sony players?


Compatability speakers with other sony players?

I have a BDV-E870 5.1 bluray home cinema system and not too happy with the player. I bought it over a year ago so the warranty has expired.

Problems I have are with the sound, which drops off every now and than. (checked the cables ofc.) and blurays are terribly slow to load and numerous times it even fails and crashes, making a hard reboot (powercuts) necessary.

What I'd like to do is either repair it, or upgrade my player to a faster and more accurate one without having to buy new speakers.

Is that even possible and are the plug in pins from the speakerssets compatible and exchangeable in this manner?

Thanks in advance!

Maarten (Netherlands)

Message was edited by: Maartozzz

Message was edited by: Maartozzz


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