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Future BRAVIA features - requests & suggestions.


Future BRAVIA features - requests & suggestions.

Hi all

Please feel free to put in any requests for future updates and features you would like to see added. Of course we can't promise that we can deliver on all of them as there may be technical/commercial/resource limitations, as to why they aren't possible, but everything will be considered.


Message was edited by: Thalamus.

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Hello Catmambo,

Are you in the position or have enough knowledge to give a definitive statement as to what features DEFINATELY will never make it to the 2010 model tv sets due to techical limitations etc?

For example, my understanding is that 2010 will never ever have any widgets or support for a web browser but is there a chance of improved media player support?

I think this will help in terms of what people with 2010 sets put down for suggestions and requests?

Thank you.


Hi all,

I've had the KDL-40EX723 for just over a month and it's a very good model with plenty of features especially the BIV (Bravia Internet Video). The inclusion of iplayer was an important factor in the purchase.

But, unfortunately the iplayer on the BIV comes without subtitles! Sony tells me that the BBC is responsible for the app in its entirety and that Sony provides a platform for this app. Strangley enough, the BBC provides subtitles for the PS3 platform!

Can Sony push the BBC to include the subtitles for the BIV? The BBC quotes accessibility for all!

Many thanks.


I would like to add some points on the skype implementation which might be useful

1) inclusion of a ringing tome when someone is calling you. The assumption is that one recieves a call he is infront of the TV, however if someone happens to be away from the tv just when someone is calling you there is no way you will notice

2) skype should remember the password and not have to key it in every time. I set my skype account on the bravia EX720 i own as a family portal. I set it to auto log in everytime the tv is switched on, however if I happen to have my DSL connection off at the time when accessing skype you have to re-enter the password.I do not expect m children to remember the password should they wish to speak to their relatives.. :slight_smile:




Adding to this I would like to include the possibility to disable the functionality of the TV remote control and control buttons at the side



I second all of those, the main for me being...

  • More Codec Support (AVI, MP4, MKV especially) - absolutly shocking that my bravia doesnt play at least AVI files, when other cheaper TV's and cheaper SOny devices (blue rays etc) do.

I hope sony try and push things like this to the older models not just brand new ones, I dont intend to replace my tv (which is only a year or so old) any time soon, seems like a complete waste of money and resources, though Sony seems to think people buy a new TV every year??  Perhaps im in the minority I dont know.

Please sony roll out some of the improves to the old Bravia too!!


Oh and Facebook on your TV are you serious?!?!  Does anyone actually want that?!

Please dont waste your time implementing things like that, get your codecs sorted!!!!!!


bob_mcbob wrote:

Oh and Facebook on your TV are you serious?!?!  Does anyone actually want that?!

Please dont waste your time implementing things like that, get your codecs sorted!!!!!!

Actually i like the FB on TV, but the current implementation is a bad joke. Take a look at the FB client on WDTV live for example. That is a good client.


Will they be doing it to all the models ?? I have KDL-40LX903 how can I update for all the new features ??


Somebody suggested a 'picture off' function for use when listening to audio broadcasts, and I'd like to second that, alongside my vote for a 'back' (to last watched channel) button.


Just some additional comments based on my observations:

On the CIFS client : I have no problem accessing my laptop Win7 PC and browsing shared file directories and start media files supported (both pictures, video and audio). Alternatively I can start media files from the PC using the playlist in Windows media player + send to device (both pictures, video and audio), which is an easier way  to browse. The Sony BRAVIA is shown (and installed) as other device in my home network on my win7 PC, where I also controls which directories that can be shared and thereby accessed from the BRAVIA TV.

I am going to try to access my older XP PC in my home network later also.

MPEG1/2/3,MP4, AVI and MKV (even though the I-manual doesn't mention MKV) files are supported, but limited to must used containers (I have many XVID and MP4 containers that works fine).

The picture (JPEG) viewer however sucks big time cause lot of standard JPEG files aren't viewable for some strange reason???

Still having a KDL-37EX720 (2011) 😉

P.S I use a wireless network connection (802.11n) to the BRAVIA.

Brgds Nielsen