
Intel AT supported system lock due to Disable Timer Expired - help please!

Vaio laptop model SVS131B12M.

Had been working fine then I came back to it (already switched on) to find this error message:

Platform ID: 00001C9D

Intel (R) AT service provider ID: 5,000

Intel (R) AT supported system lock due to: Disable Timer Expired

Time left to enter password: 360 seconds

Please select one of the following for platform recovery:

1- User Password

2- Server Token Password

Select one of the following options to proceed. ..

At the bottom of the screen it then directs me to the Macafee website for help (but I haven't knowingly activated or installed any Macafee products).

Have tried switching it off overnight and rebooting but still the same problem.

Please can anyone help?


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