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augustus 2023
augustus 2023
Hello all,
I use Darktable (now version 4.2.2) to convert and enhance my .raw files from my ILCE-7, ILCE-5100 and now my new camera the ILCE-6700.
But after importing my 6700 files when opening a file in Darktable I get a error message that Darktable cannot read the whitebalance data in the EXIFdata of the 6700 raw file. Is this known in the coomunity? At the moment I have a work around by first converting .raw to .tiff and then editting, but then I loose a part of the camera and lens EXIF data.
Has the W/B part of the EXIF data changed to the way written in the .raw files of the 7 or 5100.
Dirk W. Rotgans
Opgelost! Ga naar oplossing.