
KD-55 A1 - Android 8.0 (Firmware 6.6555) - Constant retstarting

Model: KD-55 A1

Android 8.0 (Firmware 6.6555)

Issue: Constant retstarting


So I finally got my automatic update to Android 8.0 over a week ago now. Since then my TV constantly restarts - luckily, not whilst watching it, but if it I turn it off for any length of time then 90% of the time, when I turn it back on later I get the:


android -> Sony -> android loading animation


Before I can do anything. Pretty frustrating.


I say 90% of the time, because I just turned it on to get the serial number and it had uptime of 19 hours! I turned it off and I bet it will be back to its old tricks when I come to watch it later.


I have done a "Factory Data Reset" through Android twice as per guidance. This hasn't helped.


Any ideas?



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