
KD-65AG9: YouView Catchup Apps not working

Good Evening,


Recently purchased a KD-65AG9 from curry's (3 weeks) - fantastic TV, however, all the YouView apps are refusing to play content.  iPlayer, Netflix, youtube are all fine, internet connection is fine, latest software version installed.


You can load the player, choose which show you want, it shows the adverts then goes to a loading bar and says something went wrong.... or just the loading bar with All4.


Any help would be appreciated - have tried factory reset, software update, changed settings, checked internet, checked broadband, ran all players from different devices connected to the same WIFI, successfully casted the players from an iPhone to the TV, just can't get the TV's own apps to work! Infuriating.


Didn't expect to have this problem with such a new TV.


Thanks in advance.



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