
Youview programme guide

After ditching the youview guide by disabling it and using the built in freeview guide I'm curious to know why the youview guide is favoured over the freeview guide and I mean by favoured the youview guide is part of the setup when you first get the tv and at that point thought it was the only one available thankfully it wasn't it was so slow at times I couldn't even switch to another channel the tv as froze because of it you can't record with it I was constantly losing internet connection so got no programme information among other things know I'm only presuming that all these problems were down to youview but as I don't believe in coincidences since I disabled youview all of those issues have gone 

The freeview guide on the other hand I'm quite impressed with it it's quick easy to use and as some extras like programmes that are on later guide and the ability to be able to record with a external hard drive and I'm convinced the picture is more crisp but the best part of it is you can actually move the channel's in the order you like without using anything else there's no need to edit to a usb drive and do it by computer you just go into settings and do it there brilliant 

So my only question is why even have youview as a option let alone been part of the initial setup my advice is don't use it because it's garbage disable it and use freeview guide 

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