
List issues/solutions - Android Sony TV 2015 series

I will try to keep this as up to date as i can, please post your problem below, and I will add it to the list.
If you find a solution or work-around please tell me.
Please always report your firmware version and your TV model.

TV Stability issues

Refundefined TVundefined FWundefined Issue Solution
ST1KD-49X8307C2645The TV freezes and doesn't respond to the remote commandsW/A: I noticed that using the TV Side View it works again, try to go to the guide
ST2KD-49X8309C2645TV does not come out of standby after FW updatePerform an Hard Reset


TV Guide issues

Refundefined TVundefined FWundefined Issue Solution
TG1KD-49X8307C2645TV Guide doen't support Page UP/Down 
TG1KD-49X8307C2645Edited programme list, is changed automatically for example adding back hidden channels. The issue is affecting all 3 three ways you can use to edit the channel list. 


YouView issues

Refundefined TVundefined FWundefined Issue Solution
YV1KD-49X8307C2645Enabling YouView, the Sat tv's TV Guide doen't work (Ref. SI1)W/A: You cannot use YouView if you want to watch Sat TV


Sat related issues

Refundefined TVundefined FWundefined Issue Solution
SI1KD-49X8307C2645Unable to access TV Guide (Standard) when YouView is enabled (Ref. YV1)W/A: You cannot use YouView unfortunately


Other issues

Refundefined TVundefined FWundefined Issue Solution
F1AllAllNo recording functionality available 
F2AllAllNo pause functionality available 
F3AllAllNo amazon music support 
F4AllAllImpossible to rate video content in Amazon Video 
F5AllAllDisabling all the Home screen suggestions, the top area of the menú will display an annoying and useless placeholder 
F6AllAllMy TV has been updated with the wrong firmware (From EU/US)Disable any DNS Geo Proxy or VPN service, download your firmaware from the Sony website and try to install it. If you can't or contact Sony.
See here for more information.




- What is TV SideView?
Is a Sony app for android and iOS devices that allow you to remotely control your TV, it simulates also a pointer style input device and has an embedded TV Guide

- How do I perform a TV Reset?
 1) Factory/Storage reset Deletes all your settings, customisations and apps
   > Go to Menu -> Settings -> Storage & Reset
   > Select the option Factory data reset
   > Select the option Erase everything
 2) Power reset Restart the TV without loosing any data
   > Press and hold the power button on the remote until the "Power off" message appears/ is displayed (approx. 5 seconds)
   > Release the Power button when "Power off" message appears on-screen
   > The TV will then turn itself off. Wait for a minute before turning it on again

- How do I customise the channel list?
There are at least 3 ways to update the channel list, below an explenation for each one.
 1) YouView TV Guide - You have to enable the YouView to use this. (Note also this procedure is affeceted by Ref. TG2)
   a > Go to the TV Guide
   b > Push the yellow button on your remote to edit channels
   c > Press the OK button to Hide/Show channels (PIN will be required)
 2) PC SonyEditor tool - The software is available here (Note also this procedure is affeceted by Ref. TG2)
   a> Plug an USB storage device in your TV
   a > Go to Menu -> Settings -> Channel setup -> Digital Setup -> Technical setup
   c > Select the option Programme list transfer (If this option is disabled make sure that a USB storage device is connected and if so restart the TV)
   d > Choose export to save the channel list in the USB drive
   e > On your PC open the tool and Open the file from the USB drive, when done save
   f > Follow the steps from a> to c> and select import. The TV will restart automatically
 3) TV Settings - The system allow you to edit the channel list in a very ugly way (Note also this procedure is affeceted by Ref. TG2)
   a > Go to Menu -> Settings -> Channel setup -> Digital Setup -> Digital tuning
   b > Select the option Programme List Edit
   c > Scroll the list with UP and DOWN, OK button to delete a channel (Ask confirmation), LEFT and RIGHT to move the channel (Move the channel in the right column and back on the left in the desired position)

- Can I use DNS Geo Proxy or VPN service?
Not when you are updating the TV firwmare. Disable the Automatic update and make sure that before running a manual update you disable any service or revert any configuration that may fake your geo location. When the update is completed you can anable everything again, but leave the automatic update turnet off. (Ref. F6)

- Can I connect a Sony PlayStation 3 remote?
No, only the remote designed for the PlayStation 4 are supported.


Ref: Is an ID you can use as a reference when you ask a question or you post a comment
FR: Indicates the Firmware number. (A firmware is a specific software installed inside the TV do drive the hardware)
Note: This post in work in progress

Post with official list of bugs: check here, this is mantained by quinnicus
Bug report survey: Use this link to report your bugs: Official bug survey (DE/EN)
Last Update: 18/12/2015 - 16:20


Unhappy owner of a KD-49X8307C
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