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Today I contacted Sony chat support line re the Intel patch (Intel Sata driver registry patch - 080619a) as after it installs it, it keeps popping up again and again in Vaio Update (as if it is not installed). Sony tech rep told me to delete the Hard Disk ICH9M Sata AHCI controller driver from Device Manager and to re-install it again but unfortunately, instead it installed a standard AHCI driver (v1.0). Can someone please direct me and tell me from where I can install the original Intel driver back for Windows 7, ie the Hard Disk ICH9M Sata AHCI controller driver. Thanks.
Hi rayvirgo.
You can download the original Vista SATA Driver Intel from here: -
So the original Vista drivers work well with Windows 7 ? If that's the case, I will update the driver referred to in the link you forwarded. Thanks.
What about the patch Intel Sata driver registry patch - 080619a which is continuosly cropping up in Vaio update as if I did not install it ? Can you please tell me how to solve this anomaly and how I can check that it is installed ? Thanks again.
Hi all
I have the same problem after updating to win 7. Intel Sata driver registry patch 080619a Just keep popping up in update.
Any solutions??
@ Blencogo
What about the patch Intel Sata driver registry patch - 080619a which is continuosly cropping up in Vaio update as if I did not install it ? Can you please tell me how to solve this anomaly as I checked the registry and the update installed itself successfully. One other thing. As I am using Vista driver for the Intel Sata Controller, is Sony planning to issue one for Windows 7 ? Thanks again.
The obvious solution is to ignore this patch in Vaio Update. There is a problem with Vaio Update which only Sony can fix. If it annoys you then turn off Vaio update and check for updates manually every week.
You may find a Win 7 update for the SATA driver on the Intel download site. I do not know if Sony are thinking of releasing an update - I imagine it is low on their list of priorities because a new driver is not necessary.
Probably 90% of the drivers on your system will be Vista drivers that work perfectly well with Windows 7. It is only the handful that do not work properly with Win7 that have been updated.
@ Blencogo
Do you have the Intel download link for the SATA Controller as I am unable to locate it ? Thanks again for your patience.