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Can anyone provide me with a recovery disks (.iso will be great) for vaio VPCCW1S1E?
Hi elliond,
You're Vaio has a hidden HDD recovery partition so as long as it has not been deleted you should be able to recover your Vaio back to the original installed OS and programs just as it was when you first used your Vaio.
To do this Start your Vaio and when you see the Vaio logo screen press F10 repeatedly this normally would start the recovery process..
If F10 fails to start the recovery process then you should be able to purchase a set of recovery disc's via Vaio support, to find contact details for Sony Vaio support..
Open Vaio support, either by clicking Support at the top of this page or use the following link:Vaio support
Under Log-in option 2: Select your VAIO model, next to Select Model Category - Select your model from the drop down list, in your case VPCW.
Then next to Select Model - select VPCW1S1E
Then click Log-In
Once logged select Get In Touch.
Thanks a lot for your answer
but i already did that and been told the same thing plus ( we do not provide recovery disks). if i need help then i have to send them the laptop so they can fix it to me.
it seems that for Sony it is not enough to pay that much money for such a laptop but also they want to charge you for even having something you should have got on the first place.
for sony to claim that they are providing us with a recovery files on a recovery partion is not enough, if sony really wanna help the customers without sending out recovery CDs then Sony should provide us with a recovery files on a second Hard Drive rather than a partition on the same drive.
i am computer guy, i know what i am doing and when i said i can not access the hard drive nor the recovery partition that in simple english means that the hard drive(with the partition)is not working.
that is why i am asking for a recovery disk and it does not matter what Sony gonna say. as a customer i have the right to have a recovery CDs or at least i should have the option to choose between Recovery CDs or Recovery partition.
GOD bless Dell and toshiba and so on..
Hi mangomarey,
hopefully you have been able to obtain a set of recovery disc's now and resolved your problem..
I am also in the same boat! I paid out £1400 for a Vaio laptop why do I have to pay another £50.00 for recovery discs that I should have have been supplied in the first place?
Sony rip-off!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot for your answer
but i already did that and been told the same thing plus ( we do not provide recovery disks). if i need help then i have to send them the laptop so they can fix it to me.
it seems that for Sony it is not enough to pay that much money for such a laptop but also they want to charge you for even having something you should have got on the first place.
for sony to claim that they are providing us with a recovery files on a recovery partion is not enough, if sony really wanna help the customers without sending out recovery CDs then Sony should provide us with a recovery files on a second Hard Drive rather than a partition on the same drive.
i am computer guy, i know what i am doing and when i said i can not access the hard drive nor the recovery partition that in simple english means that the hard drive(with the partition)is not working.
that is why i am asking for a recovery disk and it does not matter what Sony gonna say. as a customer i have the right to have a recovery CDs or at least i should have the option to choose between Recovery CDs or Recovery partition.
GOD bless Dell and toshiba and so on..