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I need to upgrade my memory and have not done this before can anyone advise me what to buy and how I install it?
Hi Wyndy,
Sorry, I don't recognise the model type.
Can you just confirm your model is the PCV-V1/G?
Download this User Guide and check it is your Vaio.
Hi sorry yes I think its the V1. Thanks for the document, it says not to do the upgrade yourself do you know if this means I need to get Sony qualified technicians to do this?
Hi Wyndy,
In addition to Blencogo’s questions can you confirm whether you wish to upgrade memory (RAM) or the size of hard disk drive(storage space)?
Hi Rich
Hard disk drive. I am currently transferring photos and videos into my D drive as I have loads of free space there, but it is a slow task and because my C drive is full I can not add or download any more files.
Hi Wyndy
Why not buy yourself an external hard drive?
With prices on websites around £70 for a Terabyte of storage
I suggest it may be cheaper and less risky than trying it yourself
or sending the pc away
Have a look Here
for some examples. They just connect via USB
Hi Wyndy,
I have to agree with Jumpsuit that the external USB hard drive is certainly a cheaper and simpler option for your model.
There is also another option that you could consider.
You said that you have plenty of spare space on the D drive but moving files is a slow task. There is a quick and simple option to relocate any individual folders contained in your user profile to the D drive.
The following is an example of how to move your ‘Videos’ folder:
Click Start and then click your user name at the top of the right column in the Start menu. This opens your profile folder.
Right-click the icon for the Videos folder and choose Properties. Click on the Location tab.
Click on ‘Move’.
On the window that opens double click ‘Computer’ and then double click the D drive.
On a blank area of the window right click and select ‘New’ -> ‘Folder’. Rename this folder as ‘Videos’. Leave it highlighted, and then click on the Select Folder button.
You will then see a window detailing the new location for your Videos folder i.e. D:\Videos – click ‘OK’.
On the next window you will be asked if you want to move all of the files from the old location to the new location – click ‘Yes’.
This can be repeated for all folders within the profile if you wish, e.g. Music, Documents.....
The only proviso is that if you have programs that place a folder in one these user folders, like the Documents folder then you need to change the setting in the program to use another folder or the new personal folder location. An example of this is Windows Live Messenger that uses ‘C:\Users\Username\Documents\My Received Files’ for file transfers. This location can be edited under Options -> File Transfer.
The advantage of using this method of transfer, as opposed to cut and paste, is that all shortcut menu links are preserved.
Great stuff Rich912
I tip my hat to anyone that has the word 'proviso'
in their vocabularic arsenal :smileygrin:
I tip my hat to anyone that has the word 'proviso' in their vocabularic arsenal
I tip my hat to anyone that has the word 'proviso' in their vocabularic arsenal