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Can anybody help me with a driver for my built in camera for Vaio VGN-AR21S for Vista???


Can anybody help me with a driver for my built in camera for Vaio VGN-AR21S for Vista???

I INstalled service pack 1 for Vista for my Vaio -VGN-AR21S and my computer crashed, Can anybody help me with the camera driver for the built in camera for my Vaio-VGN-AR-21S for Vista???
thanks in advance,


Try to install SP2 for Vista and update camera driver

The VGP-VCC2 camera driver is the same driver for both XP and for Vista.

You can take it from your original Recovery Discs or download it as part of the Original Driver Package from Sony Vaio-Link here: -

Check if your driver is already installed in Device Manager -> Imaging Devices to be sure the problem is the driver and not the Camera Utility or the Camera Capture Utility.



Mny thanks, I downloaded the driver, but with device manager, it does not accept the driver to be added, is this because Vista only accepts, signed drivers??
please help, after selecting the 5U870CAP.inf driver in device manager (add hardware), the popup window does not except it and the "next"button to install is could not be selected, please help....


I succesfully loaded the camera driver, because I found an old thread on the forum; I followed it and it works:

Strangely it does look like Sony have removed the support for the Camera after a Vista upgrade for the AR21S. This is probably because there have been so many difficulties with the Camera which cannot be solved easily.

If I were you I would try the following - it is probably the only way forward now!

1. Install the Camera Driver for your AR21S = VGP-VCC2. The driver is the same for XP or Vista and will be on your original Recovery Discs in C:\Drivers\Camera\VGP-VCC2\5U870CAP.INF or you can download your Original Drivers Package from here and extract the driver: -

Check in Device Manager -> Imaging Devices that the Sony VCC2 Camera is properly installed. If not, find either an 'unknown device' or more likely a USB Camera, choose 'Update Driver' and manually point the installer at 5U870CAP.INF

2. Download the Original Utilities Package for the AR41S (Vista Preinstalled) from here: -

"Extract All" to a directory C:\Utils.

3. From the AR41 Utils download, install VAIO Camera Utility Ver
4. From the AR41 Utils download, install Vaio Camera Capture Utility Ver
5. Update VAIO Camera Capture Utility to Version from here (AR41S): -

6. If this still doesn't work, try installing Microsoft Hotfix KB931812 w2hich has worked for some in the past but has also disappeared from the download pages - I attach it to the bottom of this post in case you need it.

Good Luck!!
Вложение Windows6.0-KB931812-v2-x86.msu (196965 bytes) (Счетчик Загрузок: 355)