KDL-EX653: a problem or two


KDL-EX653: a problem or two


I recently bought a KDL-46EX653 and I'm having some trouble, Sony's staff won't help me so if you'd be kind enough to help me?

First up is the Motionflow: how do I turn it completely off in this thing? What's the option that completely controls its existance? I have now tried everything, different screen modes like the normal, movie and even gaming, but to no avail. I've tried messing with all the picture settings, film-mode and what-nots, not helping. I've turned everything off from the menus, still some movies look like soap operas.

I mean it's only 100hz Motionflow to begin with, Sony hasn't even felt the need to put a specific button for it in this model, in other models there's a Motionflow option directly. Any ideas?

Second question is related to the Conax modules, CAMs and CI+s, or whatever they're called, but here you need to have one of those hooked up so you can view the premium cable channels. Well I've got a CI+ module in but it keeps loosing touch with the TV, there's no problem the module itself, but the TV refuses to do the whole "Recognizing the host and the module"-process  sometimes. This means that I have to go and unplug the thing and put it back so that the TV will finally have to do the process. Anyone else having this problem?

And lastly I'd just like to voice in my slight disappointment at the whole ordeal of getting a new TV. I was happy with my previous Sony TV but time had moved on and I needed a newer, bigger model. So I went for a Sony again, and have had a lot of issues. First it was getting used to the bad quality of the panel, vertical banding is very noticiable when watching sports like football, those bright vertical stripes and smudgyness that follows when the camera pans against a solid colour like a football pitch are a lot to get used to.

If these problems sound like they can only be in my set, please let me know quick! I still have a few days to return this thing for a new one.

Thank you!


It's just the vertical banding, SD or HD. And I believe that's related to the actual panel rather than to anything they can fix through firmware, and guarantees usually don't concern issues as "minor" as this.

Did you have any luck with your new TV? Any vertical banding with whatever brand you got?

And I've tried writing, but Sony won't answer. Guess they don't have any real solution whatsoever so they just ignore me. Oh well in a few years when I'll be updating my TV set again, I'll definately get a different brand TV as well as home theater so that I'll have no reason to get a Sony.



I think you have something different, could be panel defect.

My problem was only in Standard Definition, for sure it's bad up-scaling.

I exchanged my Sony KDL-40EX653 to Philips 40PFL5507.

Philips' TVs have been equipped with Sharp-made screen panels.

All resolution working just fine.


Sony uses an S-PVA screen panel manufactured by Samsung.


I remember time when Sony stop making good audio equipment, I prefer Yamaha.

now it happens to TV.

Unfortunately Sony don't make good TV anymore.


It has been over a month now and I haven't gotten anything back from Sony.

I've come to terms with the overall mediocre quality of panel, but just can't understand why I can't turn that Motionflow off. I can't be the only one who is troubled by this? Can't Sony just give a button into the menu through an update?

Or would someone happen to know how to do it? All the movie modes and what nots are not doing the trick on straight TV content.



Motionflow always On.

it's not necessary to turn Off

This Sony TV - 50Hz (with Motionflow - 100Hz).



I know what Motionflow does, and I want to have it OFF at times. Not always ON. Why am I not given the choice?



perhaps you should have aread of this, after all it is an entry level set so you cant expect too much of it.

it applies to your model size.



I read that article before buying. It says the TV doesn't have motion interpolation AT ALL when mine sure does... Or whatever it has to smoothen some action scenes into a soap opera type of an experience. If it's not motion interpolation or Motionflow XR100 as is said on the TVs details, what is it? And why can't I turn that thing off?

Edit: I'm not "expecting too much" when I'm asking why I can't watch TV like it is? Without this thing putting speed forward on action scenes. That's only fair, entry level models or not.



this is really question, I saw this too,

Mistake in specification and this TV just 50Hz or 100Hz for real ?


in "test", they say: "No motion interpolation"(Sony call this Motion Flow)

100Hz what is it  ???
