BBC i Player App in SEN & Web Browsing


BBC i Player App in SEN & Web Browsing

I have recently purchased a KDL-32W654A and love it, However, I cannot seem to get the i Player App in the SEN menu to work. A message appears saying "unable to connect at present". I am also finding the web browsing will only look at Sony web site. Please tell me what I am doing wrong, as the set has connected to my network and found the router OK. I am sure it is operator error and would like to get these functions operational. Cheers Andy

Accepted Solutions

Hi RodgerwithoutaD


Have you tried power cycling the TV and router - unplug them both from the mains for 30 seconds or so which will flush the memories and force them to reconnect.


Again no reason why it shouldn't work so we should be able to get to the bottom of it. iPlayer is built on a different platform to the other services which is why they might work when iPlayer doesn't.


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Hi there


In regards to the Internet Browser, see the following instructions : HERE (In Short, Press OPTIONS, then select Enter URL)


In regards to iplayer, try refreshing internet content:

Press the HOME button, then select [Settings] → [Network] → [Refresh Internet Content].


Hope that helps.


Thank you,

I have tried the process you have attached for web browsing already and cannot find the Enter URL on OPTIONS button
I have already run Update Internet Content and that did not activate the iPlayer app.

I will re-visit it again tonight and hope I have more success, particularly with the iPlayer as this was a feature I most wanted on the TV

Thanks again for your response

Kind regards
Andy Warn

Do any of the other video apps work? Be could to confirm if the TV can actually see the open internet.


Worth checking you have the latest fiirmware also. If all else fails, try a factory reset to flush it, but no reason it shouldn't work.






I have a KDL32W653A and after not using BBC I Player for a couple of weeks, it is now 'not available'. Demand 5 etc all work.

I have done a factory reset and updated latest software. Research on the net shows that other users have the same issue with the combination of BBC I Player and Sony Bravia.


I Player works on other equipoment on the same domestic network.

Any ideas.


Thank you for your reply.
Good to have positive feedback when you need it. Inexplicably, iPlayer worked first time tonight and web browser worked too!
But thanks for the help.

Sent by Andy Warn
from my HTC One X

Hi RodgerwithoutaD


Have you tried power cycling the TV and router - unplug them both from the mains for 30 seconds or so which will flush the memories and force them to reconnect.


Again no reason why it shouldn't work so we should be able to get to the bottom of it. iPlayer is built on a different platform to the other services which is why they might work when iPlayer doesn't.



I found the same message on My KDL-32W654A straight out of the box. I checked the Firmware it came with and it was the latest, as quoted,
Having asked the questions and researched just like yourself, I was ready to do Factory re-set, but I tried the iPlayer last night and it worked first time!
Confusing and frustrating and the only thing I had done differently was to try a URL search in the web, maybe, this "opened the gateway for iPlayer"

May be worth trying this, although it may have had no bearing on iPlayer at all and was just a co-incidence.

Fantastic TV, though. Despite the niggles

Andy Warn

Thanks CatMambo. The old computer trick, Turn it Off, Wait, Turn it On. (TV and Router)


It worked, thanks, but why is it necessary to do this to get a clean connection????