Running out of storage space


Running out of storage space


I got a xperia V that say it running out of storage soon. (I prepared I cuple of screenshots but I seems not be able to upload them here unfortenately)

I have not installed any new apps recently but it says I just got 190 Mb left. But if I check the file system I have just used 11%.

I got an extra sd card, could I move apps to the extra card? Or do you got any other ideas?

Best regards



Accepted Solutions

Hi @fredand44, welcome to our community!

I can see that you have already received some really good replies from @uliwooly and @zezzrail, thanks for helping out! :smileysmileythumbsup:

To free up additional storage in your phone you can uninstall updates for applications that you aren't using and that can't be uninstalled, for example the preinstalled applications in your phone.

To do that, go to Settings > Apps > name of the application > Uninstall updates.

This will reset the application back to the factory version which is smaller in size than the fully updated version. Do note that if the Google Play store is set to automatically update applications you may want to turn this off.

You can turn this setting off by opening up the Google Play store > 3 lines in the top left corner > Settings > Auto-update apps > Do not auto-update apps.

If you can move applications to the SD card depends on the Android version in your Xperia V. If you are running Android 4.0 you will be able to do so, in later Android versions you can only move the applications between the phone memory and internal memory (not all applications supports this).

You will find the setting to move the applications between the different storage's in Settings > Apps > name of the application > "Move to internal storage/Move to phone".

Let me know if that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face

View solution in original post



Clear the app data in media apps (facebook, instagram, pandora, spotify, etc) that should free up some space 

also, settings > storage > clear cache 


Hi fredand44,

I had the same problem before. I downloaded an app that warns me if I need to clear the cache in my phone. Now, my phone works fine. You can try searching for a free app from Play Store.


Hi @fredand44, welcome to our community!

I can see that you have already received some really good replies from @uliwooly and @zezzrail, thanks for helping out! :smileysmileythumbsup:

To free up additional storage in your phone you can uninstall updates for applications that you aren't using and that can't be uninstalled, for example the preinstalled applications in your phone.

To do that, go to Settings > Apps > name of the application > Uninstall updates.

This will reset the application back to the factory version which is smaller in size than the fully updated version. Do note that if the Google Play store is set to automatically update applications you may want to turn this off.

You can turn this setting off by opening up the Google Play store > 3 lines in the top left corner > Settings > Auto-update apps > Do not auto-update apps.

If you can move applications to the SD card depends on the Android version in your Xperia V. If you are running Android 4.0 you will be able to do so, in later Android versions you can only move the applications between the phone memory and internal memory (not all applications supports this).

You will find the setting to move the applications between the different storage's in Settings > Apps > name of the application > "Move to internal storage/Move to phone".

Let me know if that helps! Slightly_smiling_Face


Thanks for all your advice!!!

First, I went trough all apps this morning and cleared eache cache. Hardly no app had more then 12 Kb. But they are all cleared now.

My Android version is 4.3 so I guess it looks like I do not have the choice of moving apps to the SD-card. (That would have been nice)

I turned of the auto-update in Google-play.

This afternoon I will try to uninstall all updates in apps I do not use.

I will get back with status.

Best regards!



You're welcome! Slightly_smiling_Face

You don't have to go through all the applications and clear the cache for them, this is a lot faster if you instead go to Settings > Storage > Cached data. This will delete the cache for all applications at once and you will save some time! Slightly_smiling_Face

Best of luck and keep us posted!


With your help I managed to free up 200 Mb.

Thanks alot!


That is great news and thanks for getting back to me!

Let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with and have a great weekend! Party


Is there a way of deleting all cache at once on a XA2? I can't find that option. Thanks


Hi @Bellaz,

Google removed the option to clear cached data for all applications at once in Android 8.0, so you will need to clear them app by app. Slightly_frowning_Face

There are probably some kind of cleaner applications available in the Google Play store but I don't really want to install and use any of them. They tend to remove documents and other stuff that I have saved on the device that I haven't been opened for a while (I still want them there for later on).

i hope that answers your question and have a great weekend! Slightly_smiling_Face