My phone doesn't see the SD card

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My phone doesn't see the SD card

After updating to 2.3.3 my phone no longer sees the SD card.

When I go to settings > storage, it says the SD card is unavailable.

When I connect my phone to my computer with a USB cable, my phone just says "please insert memory card and reconnect USB cable"

I tried restarting the phone, then I tried restarting it again without the SD card and again with the SD card... Still doesn't see it.

What should I do?

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I asked my friend's colegue to try it on her Galaxy S and her Galaxy S read it just fine. She formatted it through the Galaxy S and now it works fine on my phone aswell.

So I guess trying it on another phone was a good answer Slightly_smiling_Face


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Ahm, this is completely off topic but I accidently pressed "Helpful Answer" instead of "Correct Answer", is there a way to change so you get more points? Dizzy_Face

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I have got exactly the same problem - have tried all and also waiting a reply from Sony. Very fed up, yes the new display is very nice but no good if the SD card cant be recognised, Sony its over to you - again.:smileyangry:

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nice one! did the same through my old nokia 5800, worked a treat Slightly_smiling_Face

not quite but you can give the correct answer to another post Dizzy_Face

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I bought my X10 last year (May 2010) and it has never recognized the presence of the SD card.

There was a brief moment of joy when in Maplin yesterday.  I went to buy a new SD card, and suddenly the phone recognized the existing one so I did a quick back up but today, once more, 'no SD card present'.

A few weeks back I took the phone back to the Carphone Warehouse because the battery died and 4 weeks later I received a brand new phone, they couldn't repair the old one, but same problem as always, no recognition of SD card.

It's clearly a design fault & as soon as my contract expires next April I will be changing to a more reliable and probably NOT the latest phone!

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I also had problems with miniSD. The phone also miniSD seen.Solved the problem as follows. Through the card-reader miniSD content copied to the computer. Then he took a miniSD format under FAT32. Previously copied data transferred to the Computer for miniSD. Put the card into the phone - it worked.

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i am find problme :

THIS program  is

DOWNLOAD and instlation on your pc

open program and formatte your memory card in pc

after put card inyour mobile ,will read the card

good louk for all

i am sory from all be couse my language not very good

i am arabic from syria

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Go to , download and extract to your desktop. You will have two icons: backupandrestore and deskclock. Conect your phone and copy both from your desktop to SD card in your phone. Disconect phone and instal it.

It will run perfect