Lock Screen Problem .... Help

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Lock Screen Problem .... Help

When i press the power Buttom the Screen Backout, but never get locked, even that i use security passowrd, but it never get locked, suddenly this happens, besides having all Contacts un reachable to call, when i receive calls i can see contacts but in phone book Nill (no contacts at all), all of this happened suddenly, SomeBody Heeeeeeeeeeeeelp


let it charge until the LED light its green, then try again the Update Service (w/o the SIM card and the SD Card)

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Actually it kept flashing Red at first as if it is Empty, but not not giving any light, so how could i know ?!!! there is no Orange no Green .. !


then it could be the battery and/or the usb cable and/or the charger, if you can borrow another charger and usb cable, if the same problem persist it could be either the battery or the usb connector on your X10.

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but Y all of this happened suddenly ?!!! the corruption then the disppearence of the lock screen then powering off forever while the charge was 88%, DAMN this phone, it all happened in one day, and the phone is only 7 months old :smileyangry::smileyangry::smileyangry:


the phone was on 88% but if you leave it on it will drain battery, maybe it was on and the only issue was the LCD so it was on but there was no way to tell. but the whole problem with charging that's something else, the X10i has been plagued with malfunctioning motherboards

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it was 88% 2 min. b4 this happen can it drain from 88% to zero in 2 min ?!!!!! besides this happened b4 i try to recharge it so the recharger is not the problem, also it started to get weird b4 all of this happen so it is not battery, i wonder the hall happened !!!!!


I had two power drains with my X10, it was 100% and 2 hours later it was all gone, then the second time from 90 to 2% in 20minutes

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i Will go to the shop to try another battry cuz i don't know anyone who have X10 this will be the last time to have SE, this is so shit :smileyangry::smileyangry::smileyangry:


if its under a year it should be cover under warranty if they need to repair it