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Email attachments

In the X10 MiniPro, selecting 'attachment' when composing an email brings up a menu to allow you to attach only a Picture, Video or Music. My problem is how do you attach a document with text in it?

I have installed ThinkFree Office which allows you to view and save a word or spreadsheet document from an incoming email, but I can't find a way of attaching any such document to a further new email at a later date. Neither can I find a way of attaching a Note. Indeed, the MiniPro manual doesn't mention notes at all and creating one doesn't allow you to save it to anywhere useful anyway.

So does anyone know how to attach a text document or spreadsheet to an email?


Accepted Solutions

My suggestions would be a third party mail app, I use K9 but Maildroid is also very good and then Astro file manager.  When you select Attach you will be given Astro as an option and from there you can pick any file saved on your SD card.

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What are you using for email? I have not tried this before, but I THINK if you login your email account (such as gmail) from browser, you have option to attach files (documents) from your phone?

You might want to try it and update us on your findings.

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Thanks for the ideas.

I use my pop server to download emails to my phone. When I write a new email (or reply or forward) there is a button for attachments, but if you hit that you get the three options I mentioned above and nothing else. It even has a music and video pic included in the button which suggests that's all it is designed for.

If I sign on to the webmail version (not gmail, but similar as Virgin Mail use what looks like the same interface as gmail) on my PC I get the option to attach any file by browsing for it, but on my phone I don't even get the option.

Any other thoughts?


My suggestions would be a third party mail app, I use K9 but Maildroid is also very good and then Astro file manager.  When you select Attach you will be given Astro as an option and from there you can pick any file saved on your SD card.

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I downloaded Astro and it works!

At first I didn't think it had, as the Attatchment button brought up the same three options - Picture, Video, Music - but pressing any one of them provides Astro as an option in addition to the original one, and then you can browse and attach anything you want.

Thanks very much!

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It seems I spoke too soon.

Whilst I can now attach anything to an email, it won't send them!

Whatever I attach (picture, music, and now any office file also), the email send fails with 'Unknown Error'.

I deleted Astro again, but it still won't send pictures etc - I get the same result. So probably nothing to do with Astro, which I've re-downloaded. However, I'm not sure I ever sent a picture etc before I downloaded Astro (I haven't had the phone long), so I don't know whether it worked before or not.

Strange that it won't send anything with an attachment - ordinary non-attachment emails go out OK - although they do take rather a long time to go. I've tried a very small attachment (just a few kb) and that still fails, so probably not a time-out problem.

Whilst this is probably a new problem, it is still the same as the original difficulty - that I'm struggling with email attachments.