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Coming soon?

Is there any chance we could get some kind of idea of what's coming out from SCE?

I don't mind paying for old games I bought years ago.

I think the current price being charged is quite reasonable as long as that money (at least in part) is funding more games being optomised for the Xperia.

I'm just finding it quite dissapointing having purchased the Xperia specifically to replay my old favourites and to have such a limited selection.

I'm finding it frustrating to have no information about when I can expect to see more content.

Don't get me wrong I'm sure I'll enjoy some of the games being released by other parties but it's not why I got excited about this phone!

I want Wipeout(s)

I want Resident Evil(s)

... you get the idea! Above all I want information! I want to be able to get excited about something!


Accepted Solutions

I'm sorry guys but at the moment I have no timeline on when next release of PlayStation games for Xperia PLAY will come.

I suggest that you stay up-to-date with the product blog where we post all news about games for Xperia PLAY.

View solution in original post

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I agree!

We do need to know what is planned to be released on the Play, if it wasn't for Gameloft releasing loads of thier top games for the Play on launch there wouldn't have been anything decent to even play! where are the Sony 1st party games? where are the 3rd party games? where are all the "Optimized for Xperia Play", and what about the PS1 games? even a few PSN games? very unhappy regarding the current game choice for the NEW Play.

I LOVE the phone and would hate to return it but I do have 30 days (21 days left) so if nothing good is said or released shortly regarding Play gaming I may not have a choice.....

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I already made a post to something similiar in regards to E3 2011.

I would hope that since they announced the Playstation Suite the last time at one of their press conferances, that they should talk about the Xperia Play or at least they will or should talk about the PlayStation Suite and announce when it's comming out and some of the games we will see from it.

I think that possibility is very likely.

In the meantime there are plenty of great games out there from Gameloft, the EA ones are much to be desired and especially with the high prices and most of the other small companies ones charge you 2-3 quid for what should be a free game anyway.

But ye stick with the gameloft stuff for now, there was a sale running until today so im not sure if it's still on now where all Gameloft games on xperia play were £1, i baught 10, and atm there are 14 gameloft games for Xperia Play.

Some of their top games imo are:

Backstab (Action/Adventure)

N.O.V.A. 2 (FPS)

Sacred Odyssey (Action RPG)

Lets Golf 2 (Sport)

Real Football 2011 (Sport)

and ofc the free Asphalt 6 (Arcade-Racer))

All the games above give you a good variety and genre's along with your current free games u got with your Xperia Play

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I find it really un-nerving that the fastest released games Play is getting are all from Gameloft, most of which are games they had out already but tweaked to use Plays controls.

Where are all these other developers that are supposed to be "backing" the play?

I see two games have been added to the PS pocket store, but they are far from top titles and certainly not top desirables. At this rate it would probably be better for the conversion tool that Sony uses to be released for all of us very frustrated Play owners to use so we can put our own PSX games on the phone.

Mind you though we make these suggestions yet we generally get left in the dark and left to feel ignored:smileyplain:

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If you own the origanal ps1 games, you could go for a ps1 emulator which is on the andriod market.

There are lots of games out there if you go to Xperia Play Icon and tap top right which takes you to the andriod market and xperia play optimised, which is all the other smaller dev's.

You can get EA games from EA mobile website, and Gameloft website, and go on it using your phone so you know what games are for your phone.

Well to be fair so far there have been 2 exclusive Xperia Play games designed and played only on Xperia Play phones and thats from gameloft, but ye other companies are not really designed xperia play specific games and just optimising them for use of xperia play.

But control pad beats touch screen anyday, so im happy to play other gameloft games and other games that were orignally designed for touch controls and optimised for xperia play i dont mind that, i just hope companies start making more exclusive titles that take advantage on the device.

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Thanks for your imput guys.

Emulators. Have tried three none of which worked and I'm no slouch with a computer. (Please do not post a list for me to try)

As far as other games are concerned. Available right now. Nothings really got me perticularly exited. As far as development is concerned sure some inovative stuff sounds good and I'm looking forward to seeing what will be on offer.... but... As stated, what I really want, and why I bought the bloody thing was PS1 titles. Not emulated and buggy but optomised and smooth. I'm happy to pay.. as they say in the business I am a Money Rich - Time Poor individual and as much as I'd like to spend hours fannying about with an emulator (like in the good old days) I'd much rather just download and pay to save the hassle.

It's all about Sony's, finger getting out potential!

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Yeah i understand and agree with you 100%, i don't know if all the effort going into PSN atm has held things back, but i think i read somewhere that they will be brining out games such as FF7 and others to the phone, it took a long time for FF7 to come out on PS store on Ps3 so hopefully they don't take that long.

I conform with people who don't like emulators but tbh if anything it will make Sony hurry up and release more PS1 games on Xperia Play.

It's in their interest to bring out PS1 games as fast as they can so that people like you pay them for it, the longer the wait the more people will just use emulators and not bother with when they release their favourite games.

So, saying that, i'm sure they already have more comming and information on release dates for games, hopefully they will say some stuff at E3 2011 you should hear some news.


I'm sorry guys but at the moment I have no timeline on when next release of PlayStation games for Xperia PLAY will come.

I suggest that you stay up-to-date with the product blog where we post all news about games for Xperia PLAY.