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call log widget?

Hi there!

I upgraded a few days ago from 2.1 to 2.3 and I am mostly happy with it. As I am still trying to customize the phone I am missing the "Call log" widget that I use to use a lot in the previous version. Either is there and I cant find it or they took it off. I dont know if anyone knows what I am talking about. It was a little box with the 3 last calls that I could just click and call without getting in to the phone/call log/clcik. I know I am getting greedy here but I really liked that widget and I cant find anything like it on the market. Can anyone help? May be I can download it from somewhere or may be something similar?

Thanks everyone in advance!


Accepted Solutions

they removed it, you can use Favorites and call log instead

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Always immidiate response from you uliwooly!!

Thanks a lot for your answer I was kind of hoping you would say: "It is right there!! are you blind??!!" hahaha Have a nice day!
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uliwooly!!! That 's what I was looking for!! and it looks better!! ( I mean the first link) Thank you so so much!!

I'm glad I could help

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Uliwooly I like that app toooooo. (It is normal Suze but stupid account won't let me log in!) Thanks for that oh master of the Android Market Winking_Face

Thanx suze, yeah sometimes this website acts up for some odd reason

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hi Guys,

found the call log widget which was included in the 2.1 version of X10.

I've tried at least a dozen apps and none feels as comfortable as the stock one from the 2.1 version.

I used it a lot before and just can't live without it.

Here it is.

i didnt' realise it was called "Recent Calls" until i reviewed a youtube video demoing the widget.

i found the apk on

hope you will enjoy your x10 a bit more.


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Hi Guys,

I used to use the widget a LOTTTTT before, and i've tried at least a dozen widgets and none is as comfy as the original stock widget from SE.

I just can't live without it after upgrading to 2.3

I didn't realise it was called Recent calls after seeing a youtube video demoing the widget.

so here it is: i found it on xda forum.

hope can help you enjoy your x10 a bit more.
