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Instagram is inaccessible and the security of the Xperia m4 Aqua Dual system


Instagram is inaccessible and the security of the Xperia m4 Aqua Dual system

Hallo sony mobile,

Kenapa hp sony xperia M4 aqua dual saya tidak bisa menjalankan aplikasi instagram ? Saat masuk selalu tulisan muncul koneksi tidak gagal. Padahal yang lain normal. Tolong perbaiki lagi keamanan dan update os android ke versi nouget atau 7.0. Terima kasih

Hello sony mobile,

Why can't my Sony Xperia M4 Aqua phone run an Instagram application? When entering always the connection appears, the connection does not fail. Whereas others are normal. Please fix the security and Android OS updates to the nouget version or 7.0. thank you