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SONY FS700 4K lens choice help?
I have a Sony FS700 4 K Videocamera and want to buy two lenses but they both have to be compatible with autofocus.
I have invest a lot in my FS700 4K KIT and i really know the camera, like the size of the camera and get super images from the camera so i will work with camera at least another two years.
I worked with the sony lea a-mount adapter with good a mount lenses from zeiss but really want to move to e-mount lenses so i sold all my a-mount lenses and will now invest in two / three good e-mount lenses.
But, because i want the autofocus to be compatible on these lenses with the sony FS700 4K i need some help with which lenses to choose.
Below my sets of choice about which i'm thinking about.
Option one; Sony 16-35 F2.8 GM + Sony 70-200 F2.8 GM
Option two; Samyang 14MM AF F2.8 + Sony 24-70 F2.8 GM + Sony 70-200 F4 G
Option three; Samyang 14 MM AF F2.8 + SONY 24-105 F4 + Sony 70-200 F2.8 GM
Option four; Tamron 17-28 F2.8 + Tamron 28-75 F2.8 + Tamron 70-180 F2.8
Maybe there are better combinations to thinks of but i need at least a 14mm or a 16mm with F2.8 for low light conditions regarding real estate filming and something to go with that for filming indoor / outdoor parties for when the corona is over (hopefully as soon as possible for everyone)
I also film a lot of surfing at the beach so a 200mm zoom is therefor also handy.
But again, i allways have filmed with autofocus with my lea-ea a-mount adapter an reaaly like how the autofoucus tracking works so autofocus has to be compatible. (lens information on the viewing screen of the camera is not important)
Thanks for any suggestions, much appriciated and stay healty.
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