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When trying to activate the WiFi zone from my cell phone does not connect.


When trying to activate the WiFi zone from my cell phone does not connect.

Al intentar activar la zona de  WiFi desde mi celular no se conecta. 

Anteriormente funcionaba normalmente y lo use como Router por meses. Pero desde hace unos días no me deja conectar la red. 

Hace el intento de activar el Internet compartido, pero se desactiva. 

No da señales, ni errores. Simplemente no lo activa. 

He buscado información o solución en Internet pero no logro información. 

When trying to activate the WiFi zone from my cell phone does not connect.

Previously it worked normally and I used it as a Router for months. But since a few days ago he has not let me connect the network.

It attempts to activate the shared Internet, but it is disabled.

It does not give signals, nor mistakes. It just does not activate it.

I have searched for information or solution on the Internet but I can not get information.