
s370 DHCP error

Hi all,

hope someone will be able to help.

I got the s370 Blu-ray player yesterday.

It is plugged into my router via the ethernet and can obtain all the correct IP's and DNS settings.  However, whenever I try to connect to the internet it gives an error about not being able to communicate with the DHCP server.

This can't be right because it has already contacted the DHCP server to obtain the IP addresses.

Also upon start up, it notifies me there is a network upgrade.  So it must be going out to the internet somehow...

Any idea?

Thanks in advance.

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You could try doing the update manually ( I think you can put it on USB or burn it to CD/DVD), this may well rectify the network problems at the same time? If you head over the the support pages for specific devices on, it should advise you..

Thanks for the advice.

Had to update using the CD-R method and this has sorted out the Internet problem. :slight_smile:

Update:  Spoke too soon.  Turn it on today and was greeted with another Network update message.  Went to Network update and still getting the same DHCP error message.

Network access is working fine, I can access my PC.  Internet access is working, I can access I-Player and Internet radio.  Its only when I try to do a network update.

Dodgy unit?

Final update (hopefully):  Used manual input on IP addresses and this has fixed the problem.

Hope it helps others

Dodgy unit? - probably not, Dodgy Sony software more likely...