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HT-CT790 sub issues
hi all..
I just bought this HT-CT790 and I just can't get the sub to give me that deep bass..and I've used the HT-CT780 for two years so I know what to expect.
but this new HT-CT790 is giving only a mild bass..
from the sound settings on my songpal app it's stuck on MAIN and I'm unable to change it to MAIN/SUB so that I can get the deep bass..
I use an LG TV that doesn't have the HDMI ARC but I've tried to connect it as it says on the manual, I also used the optical cable from my TV to the soundbar or from the cable to the soundbar but still no joy..
I still can't get the sound to change to main /sub and even using the remote control audio button it keeps showing NOT IN USE..
pls help
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Hi there,
Thanks for getting in touch.
Could you please let us know exactly how your system is currently setup and connected? The more details you can give us the more likely we'll be able to help.
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Thanks for replying.. Using the HDMI cable I connected my cable box to the Hdmi input 1 on the soundbar, then connected the hdmi arc(output) to my LG TV which only has HDMI and not hdmi arc..
I also connected my cable at some point using the optical cable to the soundbar and I also connected it from my cable to the soundbar..
However the bass is so mild and my former soundbar had very deep bass.. I couldn't change the sound adjustments from MAIN TO MAIN/SUB..
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Did you get a solution? As i am having the same issues with mine
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