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How to connect my Xbox One to my Sony 5.1 system via optical cable????


How to connect my Xbox One to my Sony 5.1 system via optical cable????

Hi Folks,

I hope someone can help me as I have been tearing my hair out trying to connect my new Xbox One to my surround sound system using the optical cable connection. I have the xbox and my tv connected with a HDMI cable and that is ok, but I was wanting to take advantage of the bluray player on the xbox and connect it to the 5.1, but I have tried every way I can think, but I still have no sound.

Heres the thing. I have an optical cable connected from the surround sound amplifier to the Xbox and to my way of thinking there is no theoretical reason why It shouldn't work, or am I missing something?.

I can connect the Xbox to the tv via the optical cable and it does work, but by doing it this way would I effectively be bypassing the surround sound amplifier and therefore losing the 5.1 effect. Sorry for appearing dumb.

Thanks for any hints



If I understand you correctly then the best way to connect your devices is as follows...


Connect Xbox to 5.1 System via HDMI Cable


Connect 5.1 System  HDMI Out to HDMI IN on your TV


If using HDMI you shouldn't need to use the Optical cable as well (Optical = Sound Only)


If I'm misunderstanding you perhaps you can explain things a bit clearer, I found your explanation a bit confusing, sorry!



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Thanks for your advice. My 5.1 system only has one HDMI port (out) so I won't be able to configure it that way. With my Xbox having a bluray player I was wanting to play films on it, but using the amplifier only from my Sony unit. It would save me a whole heap of agro if I had HDMI in and out, but I don't. I don't even know if it is possible to do things the way I want to.

Thanks anyway:-)

Not applicable

Hi there


Can you list the model numbers of the devices in question.  eg. Your TV and sound system.  (doesnt matter if its not Sony.)





My system is as follows:

Samsung 40" flatscreen HD tv

Xbox One


Sony DAV-DZ361W DVD/5.1 Home Cinema combi.

All these components have an optical input and I was wanting to connect them so that I could take advantage of the Xbox's bluray player by connecting it with my Sony surround sound system with the optical cable so I get the 5.1 sound and also connect the components together with a HDMI lead for the video. I don't even know if it is indeed possible. On the face of it there is no logical reason why not, but perhaps I am missing something? 

Maybe there is a setting in the sub-menu of one of the components which needs switching over????

Not applicable

Hi there


THe DAV-DZ361W does not have the required connections that you need to connect modern devices directly to it.  You need to connect everything up to the TV, then output the sound via the DAV system.  As follows


Connect the following to your TV via HDMI

  • Xbox One
  • Sky HD Box
  • DAV-Z361W

Connect an optical cable from the TV's optical OUT to the DAV's Optical IN. 







When you want to output sound either via the TV, or devices connected to the TV:

  1. Turn ON the DAV System
  2. Press the [Function] Button on the DAV's remote repeatedly until 'TV' is Displayed on the front panel (this is selecting the 'input source'
  3. Set the TV's speakers to output sound via External Audio system or something (cant give you exact, as you havnt listed TV brand/model)


Hope this helps.





My tv is a Samsung LE40A656A1FXXU. Thanks for your info thus far. We are getting close to nailling it.


Not applicable

Hi there


Once you have connected it all up as per above. i.e.

  • DZ361W - HDMI + Optical to TV
  • All other devices connected to TV via HDMI

On the TV you need to set the following:

  • TV Speakers = OFF  (Sound Menu)
  • Audio Format = Dolby Digital (Setup Menu)

Other than that, I think that is it.  Just ensure on the DVD system that you have selected the "TV" function.

