Dolby Vision over HDMI sources

Dolby Vision over HDMI sources

At CES 2017 Sony announced that their TVs with the X1 Ultimate chip would be upgraded in due course to support Dolby Vision. You might think that by 2018 Dolby Vision would have been built into the TV such as HDR10 or HLG but that wasn't the case. The fix initially worked with apps such as Netflix. However most people use HDMI souces such as a Sony Blu-ray player and the fix that came out for that is dreadful. Rather than detecting Dolby Vision automatically it was forced. On your Blu-ray player you must know that the disc has been recorded in Dolby Vision then switch it on in the video settings and remember to switch it off. I can assure you that if you are playing an ordinary HD Blu-ray and you have forgotten to switch it off the picture quality is awful. Then there is the Apple TV 4k which I cannot fathom how this is supposed to operate. You might think that setting to the resolution to SDR50 and matching the dynamic range would kick off Dolby vision, I simply doesn't.

This is hopeless and how do you get Sony to address it?


Hi there,


We will pass all your feedback onto the team.


Best wishes,


Sean Mc