Can only get Sony services in Spanish

Can only get Sony services in Spanish

Reside in Spain and have just purchased cinema surround system BDVE2100, I get Utube in English, but can only get (SEN) Sony 'Services in Spanish, whereas I want it in English. How do I achieve this?

Grateful for any help.



Hi David,


Welcome to the community.


We will check this and update this thread when we can.

Maybe some of our members will also be able to help.


Best wishes,


Thank you for your response and I hope that someone can provide a solution.

What has amazed me is that having spent years working on my computer and
only accessing English material on the internet thro' fibre optics with a
10Mb download, and only purchasing technical equipment from the UK, which I
always register in English, that I find myself not being readily able to
access certain services offered by a manufacturer concerning the equipment
I have purchased in the UK, such as in this present matter. This especially
frustrating since having chosen English as the preferred language.

I would like to add that I have a 4K 3D Smart TV with sat box permanently
connected to my 2.4 metre satellite dish and receive all TV services, some
of which I pay, for originating in the UK. Ironically, I am able to receive
both Utube and Netflix on my BDVE 1200 system, which I had purchased as
new, in English, but then I can also receive those direct to my Smart TV.
It does appear that there is a failure/breakdown in modern technology, not
to mention manufacturers back-up.

I have only once been able to make direct email contact with Sony, because
having visited I hit a brick wall when
attempting to register my system. The response I received, which originated
in Belgium?, was unrelated to my question, when simply advising me that
the purpose in making such a registration formed no part of a purchase
guarantee and that I should rely upon the retailer, whereas I had asked as
to why I could not access Sony entertainment in English/from the UK.

Following this, when attempting to login I discovered that I appeared to
have some registration in Ireland? and that I could make an additional
registration in the UK. However, each time I attempted to do this I was
confronted with a page declaring Sony were, 'Having technical difficulties'
and that, 'I should try later'? Needless to say I made many further
attempts over a protracted period, but always received the same

In short, whilst I have no complaint about the normal functioning of the
system BDVE1200, nevertheless I have unhesitatingly arrived at the
dedicated conclusion that Sony's back up service is not fit for purpose.
That also goes for their very muddled and utterly confusing website.

I can only hope that some member of the Community can advise m,e how to
resolve the issue I have raised.

Kind regards,


Hi David,


As far as I am aware SEN is part of PlayStation. Have you tried contacting PlayStation directly? I found the contact details for PS in Spain:





The Black Rose.

Hi thanks for that. I have started looking at Play Stations website having
toggled your link so as to reach 'Ireland'? However, I find their website
to be extremely confusing and thus far I have not been able to reach a live
person. Instead I have been shunted all over the place and still cannot get
an answer to my simple question as to why I have been unable to get the SEN
Service in the ENGLISH language.
