bdv-n5200w & Projector Display Issue


bdv-n5200w & Projector Display Issue

I am having a strange problem with my new bdv-n5200w system. I have two devices plugged into the HDMI inputs which are working perfectly. The system is passing through the picture with no issues to a new Optoma HD projector.  While on either HDMI1 or 2 inputs you can see on screen menus and volume control on the screen.  The issue that i have is that when we flip to the dvd input there is no output to the screen at all.  We get audio but the projector just cycles through its inputs like its not getting a signal from the Sony unit.  So both passthrough are working perfectly but not the unit itself.  If we boot up the sony system on the DVD function we do get the bluray splash screen but nothing else.  Has anyone seen anything like this?


thanks in advance.

Not applicable

Hi there


I would probably have a look at the display resolution in the settings on the bluray player itself.  You can also reset the resolution by - Pressing and holding the [Play] and [Vol -] buttons on the main unit for 5 seconds. 


Failing that, factory reset the player and test.

