BDP S6200 home network help

BDP S6200 home network help

I have a Hard Drive full of Audio and Video files connected to my router for sharing across my HOME network which is distributed around the home using powerline units. my BD player is hard wired into the powerline unit. its a good fast connection, BUT id like to listen or watch the files stored on the HDD back at the router on my BD Player via the network connection, can I do this and if so how.

Not applicable

Hi there


The BDP-S6200 will not detect SAMBA fileshares - such as your setup.  It will only detect the HDD via a DLNA Server.  So you would need to install a DLNA server application on your computer (such as Serviio : HERE). You would then be 'streaming' from your computer.  I hate to say though, the setup with a HDD connected to the router is not ideal in streaming large video files to your bluray player.  In reality, you would be better off buying a NAS drive with an inbuilt DLNA media server.



If I buy a NAS drive how would the BDP S6200 see the drive and play files stored on it. I dont want to have to have my PC on all the time ?

You don't have the NAS drive connected to you PC. It can sit next to your BD Player if you wish. It's independant of your PC but both your PC and other DLNA devices such as your BD Player can communicate with it and stream information from it.


Quinnicus may want to jump in here and discuss the finer points, I don't own such a device myself.


In the meantime you can read a little more about NAS drives here:

How to Buy Network-Attached Storage (NAS)




The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
Not applicable

Hi there


These are you options in order to stream content to your Bluray player:


Option 1:

Install a DLNA Server such as Serviio or Twonky onto your PC or Laptop and stream files from there.  The advantage of this is cost of setup is low.  Disadvantage is that it ties up your computer and consumes a fair amount of processing power.


You have ruled this one out.  Its not ideal and is really only good for the occasional content to be streamed.


Option 2:

A NAS server that has a built the DLNA server software built in. Advantage is that you can play most files from this NAS server as well as being dual purpose in storing/backup of files. 


Depending on how much your storage requirements are, have a look at the Synology and QNAP range of products.  Also have a look at the WD My Cloud range.  Just ensure that the product states that its certified for DLNA media server.


A couple of products:


Option 3:

A dedicated media player. Advantage is that many dedicated media players can play most files with minimal fuss.  Disadvantage is setup cost can be high, depending upon your requirements, as you are purchasing the media player and HDDs too.


The is my preferred option, especially if your a heavy user in streaming content.  A dedicated media player would play most files that you care to throw at it, and handle it with ease.


A couple of suggestions:




At the end of the day, everything depends upon your requirements at budget. 



Thanks for all the expert replies. I have bought a 2 TB SEAGATE CENTRAL NAS Drive, I have set it up but I now need to know how to access it via my BDP S6200, as its not very clear in the instructions, and im a newbie

Hi there,


Wow you bought that quick!


Like you I have limited understanding of NAS drives and so my advice might not be correct but I'll give it a go.


Now this is only a guess but I would imagine that once you have copied some files from your computer onto your NAS device, i.e. some Films or Music. You would then plug the NAS drive into your BD Player USB socket.


Presumably then it would be a case of going to the HOME menu on your BD Player and either look under the MUSIC icon or the MOVIES icon and hopefully your NAS drive should be showing there, much like if you were using a USB Thumb Drive. Again I'm guessing here but I'm assuming it would be a simple case of selecting your NAS drive to view and play it's contents.


This is all supposition so you may want to hang on for a more accurate response before you try it. Hopefully Quinnicus can put you straight a little later this evening, hopefully!



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
Not applicable

Hi there


According to Seagates Support page:


This Article Explains How to use your Seagate Central with DLNA Devices

How to play music and videos on a DLNA media device:

Play Music and Videos via DLNA on an Xbox 360:

How to Play Music and Videos via DLNA on a Playstation 3 (PS3):

Seagate Central - How to play music and videos on a DLNA media device:

Please follow these instructions to play your movies, music, and photos from your Seagate Central on your DLNA compatible player. Such devices include: Smart TVs, Blu-Ray players, game consoles, and media tablets.

  1. Confirm your DLNA compatible device is connected to the same network.
  2. Load desired media content into the Public folder if you have not already done so.
  3. Launch the Seagate Central Assistant by opening the Seagate Central's Public folder and clicking on the "Manage the Seagate Central" link.  Log in as a user with administrator rights.
  4. Under the Services tab, click on DLNA.
  5. Make sure the Enable box is checked on the right, then click Done.
  6. Power on your DLNA-compatible device and ensure you are connected to the same network as your Seagate Central.
  7. At this point, please consult your device documentation for setting up DLNA for media services, or similar terminology.
    The procedure from here will vary, depending on the manufacturer and model of your media device.
    Generally, most network-enabled media devices which support DLNA will provide a menu that shows available devices. Your Seagate Central should be listed among the available network sources. 
  8. Your DLNA-enabled media device will load the content it is able to play.
    Please allow a few minutes for the media device to index and display the stored content.
  9. Once indexing is complete and your content is properly displaying, select the media you wish to play.



I dont have one of these, so use the support pages of Seagate and read the manual that came with the NAS drive. 


Hope this helps.