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The Whinge Thread

Im going to start off with the topic we all like to have a whinge and a moan about. 



Whats the point of a 24 hour News channel when they simulcast everything on BBC1 > BBC1HD and interupt normal programming for what one would call news.










I agree, salt is bad but ice is worse. If anyone is to blame it's the weather forecasters, the council rely on what they predict and we know how wrong the weather men get it sometimes. That said, sometimes even gritting lorries have bad days...


Council gritting lorry dumps his load on the road before laying down to rest...



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14



Ah grit, my favourite form of winter road surface safety medium. Grit I can handle, I especially enjoyed it a couple of years ago when the over eager councils in our area exploited all of their salt :flushed: What a hoot having to explain to the County news channels that they would have to use grit instead :triumph:


They should have asked me for some my garage floor was covered in white salt deposits that had travelled home attached to the car !


Grit still hits the car like rocks but that's the worst of it.


"Grit rocks"  geddit ?

If it ain't broke don't fix it
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@Jonnie1266 wrote:


"Grit rocks"  geddit ?

No dont get it :wink:


Last year, I was travelling up to Sheffield along the M1.  Road gritters were out.  Couldnt pass them for a bit, as a couple of trucks where over-taking and couldnt get into the right-lane.  My car was sprayed with this stuff.


Got to Sheffield (family member lives up a very steep hill) - getting out of the car, I was slipping.  Used the back passenger door as support (as I was getting bags from the backset) - and BANG - smashed my back passenger window.  I must have lent on the door frame too much - being cold the window must have been I guess a little brittle.  So not a good start to my trip indeed.  M1 didnt need gritting, but this hill in Sheffield did !

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Gawd I hate TalkTalk.  It seems everything I post on their forums now, seems to get removed.  Heavily moderatored !  


I want my freedom from TalkTalk now, had enough.  But they can only retain customers by economical penalties to leave existing contract.  Dreadful.



Also, I wish Jamie Oliver would just shut up now.

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So im 'trying' to sign up for NowTV to test it out before the Twenty20 World Cup and maybe IPL and someone has taken my username. How rude is that! :cry: :angry:

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Goodbye TalkTalk - waste of space


Hello PlusNet.


Finally changing after many many years of being with them (initially under a different company name).  

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I guess this is turning me into Victor Meldrew :grin:





I DON'T BELIEVE IT!!! I wish I'd known you were thinking about doing that, I could have got a discount off my monthly payment if you said I'd recommended you :cry:


So what service have you signed up for? Broadband/FibreBroadband/Telephone?


I got Plusnet Fibre recently, they were really generous and allowed me to pay the same as the standard broadband price for 2 years!! Currently I get get 38 MB's Down and 1.8 Up, much better than there crappy standard broadband which I was on previously.



The User Manual is your friend..., seek forth and ye shall find answers. Can't find any? Join the club, we have all the answers here, occasionally they're even right! :wink: Dr.Slinky McVelvet - Inventor of the word 'Mellifluous' - 30.12.14
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DOH!  Sorry buddy - i know im slack at responding to my emails - i will...  Promise.  Just had a couple of slower days, where ive avoided technology (a little!)



  • Fibre unlimited extra
  • Anytime international extra


Only issue is, they phoned up and activation is 29 April.  My contact for TT ends 1st May...  TT better not penalise me.  Saved myself a couple of quid as i dont need a router!