The Whinge Thread

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The Whinge Thread

Im going to start off with the topic we all like to have a whinge and a moan about. 



Whats the point of a 24 hour News channel when they simulcast everything on BBC1 > BBC1HD and interupt normal programming for what one would call news.


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Whinge of the day - Sainsbury's Online


Order £60 worth of beer - delivery driver will only deliver it up to the 1st floor (I live in a flat, up 2 flights of stairs - no lift).  Whats gets me is that he comes all the way up the stairs to tell me this.  He could have had a carton with him at very least.


Phone up Sainsburys to say that there is no point in online delivery if they cannot deliver it to the door.  Was told its policy, up to drivers discretion, and they are not insured if they do so.  So im not really annoyed at the driver now (which I was at the time), im now annoyed at Sainsbury's policy.  Told them that ASDA has no issues on delivery !!


Anyway, thats my whinge of the day.

:slight_frown: I dont understand - "not insured" if they take one more stair since 1st floor is at least one floor

up from ground level which would be level 0 or neutral ground level! - why would one more stair matter towards

the goal of delivering total happiness.

I would be annoyed at the driver just being lazy probably - insurance of what dropping a bottle:smileyworried:


Whinge - Doctors receptionists


At the risk of upsetting these demigods, if any use this Forum (in which case you may be able to answer) how is it that in your case the customer is not always right ? I have never seen anything written about or indeed any stand up comedian having a rant about this - food for thought, any comedians out there? I am convinced that all doctors surgeries are the same because I hear it from everyone how they have to bow down and make offerings in order to get past the superior beings and actually see a doctor about what's killing them. Not only that, I am also convinced that they find great joy in shouting out your name in a packed waiting room and just happening to mention your problem. Surgeries are also the only places I have seen the posters on the walls regarding abuse that will not be tolerated by receptionist staff, fair enough, I don't see posters like this in Tesco's whose staff are equally entitled not to be abused. In other words we shall upset you as much as possible, whilst you are ill and before you get angry read that sign.


I'm off to the vets

If it ain't broke don't fix it
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This cretionous evil government regime under the Cameron administration are liars. 


The economy is NOT getting better - It is actually getting worse!!!


My dad - who works for a large manufacturing company which produces various mechanical components that supplies other companies - has been told today that until further notice (at least until xmas) that they are back on what is called "short-time".   He will now loose 1 day's work each week - which upon doing the sums, it means we are on pasta/rice and baked beans.


Sorry, another whinge of mine.

The only thing I can think of is whinging about my work, always doing all the late shifts which makes me tired all day... But hey, it brings some money. :slight_smile:

I think I'd need a whole new forum for all my whinging lol.


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Discusting that we all have to pay for the BBCs totalitarian regime. 


//yes yes, BBC whinge again.

Britain is currently borrowing over 2 Billion every week, and they have been borrowing like this for some time. So in reality we are becoming poorer ever year about 120 Billion pounds. We are getting by with borrowing and printing electronically money called QE. The economy is just built like a house of cards.

Why is it some poor souls must work on our saviours birthday ? Bah humbug !! :cry:


Anyhoo, Merry Christmas to one and all. Make sure you enjoy your day :party: 

If it ain't broke don't fix it
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HAHAHAHAHA  Im assuming that your working.  Sucked in :slight_smile: