E5 charging problems


E5 charging problems

Hi tried reading this site to get an answer but didn.t find one so I decided to write myself.

My daughter has E5 phone since January 2017. There has been some charging problems before. The battery was changed and later the charging port was replaced as well. It worked until yesterday evening..

Now the phone was shut down. Battery was empty. It was charging over night. Nothing happened. It cannot be opened.

Been trying all kinds of troubleshooting: took off the sim and sd cards. Tested the sd card with my computer. It seems to be okay.

Been trying to charge it using the original charger and by PC and with another cable too and with another charger and then again with the original one. Tried to clean the usb port from dust.

When charging the phone It shows the red charging light for a few seconds. Then it turns off and within a minute or less it shows again frt a few seconds and then turns off again. And so on.

When pressing the volume+ button and the on/off button for two minutes while charging - the red light shows more often. But it keeps turning off every 10 seconds and shows again and turns off...

Is the battery dead? How ofted do you have to change the battery for a new one? We have never had this many problems with other phones.

Or should we just keep on trying these and wait if it starts charging proberly? 

The phone contains such information that my daughter wants to have. so I cannot try to fix the software since it is impossible to have anything copied from there now.

What can we do??


Accepted Solutions

Hi once again Slightly_smiling_Face

Happy to let you know the phone got fully charged and opened and is working normally again.

So just be patient with your phones. Try not to let the battery get empty. And be sure to switch the phone off every once in a while when the battery is full Smiling_Face_with_Sunglasses

View solution in original post


Hi again,

While waiting for someone to tell me what to do, I tried this:

I took both the sim and sd card off. And tried to charge the phone like this over night.

I just woke up some time ago. Nothing had happened Slightly_frowning_Face

I put the cards back and pressed on/off + volume+ button at the same time.

The phone showed me the battery on the screen, really empty. I quickly put it back charging with its own original charger- And now the charging light is on all the time and I believe it started charging the battery again Smiling_Face_with_Heart-eyes

My dayghter said she got a warning message before this saying her phone hasn't been shut down for a week. And then the battery was empty. She probably should have quickly put the phone to the charger before this happened? And when the battery was charged, she could have shut the phone down herself and then switch it back on without these problems?

I shall let you know what happens later today. The charging is still on and suppose it takes 4 hours or so for the battery to reach the 100%.


Hi once again Slightly_smiling_Face

Happy to let you know the phone got fully charged and opened and is working normally again.

So just be patient with your phones. Try not to let the battery get empty. And be sure to switch the phone off every once in a while when the battery is full Smiling_Face_with_Sunglasses