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HX100V burst mode

HX100V burst mode

I am having difficulty taking BURST shots of fast moving subjects (in this case aircraft) with my HX100V. When I press the shutter button the subject suddenly stands still in the view finder and most of the subsequent shots miss the subject altogether because I can't see to follow it :angry: , In single shot mode picture preview cannot be turned off but having preview in burst mode is rediculas and defeats the object of it, I am most dissapointed with this aspect of the camera OR am I missing something? any help greatfully received.


Hello brighterspark - welcome to the Sony Forums :slight_smile:

Taking a look at pages 24 and 25 of the manual:

I would suggest checking that you have the burst shooting interval set up as you see necessary and also you can specify 'Display Burst Group' to show all of the images in a batch i.e. in one go so that you can get all of your shots before seeing them on display.

Hope this helps,


Thanks for your reply Simon. The problem occurs while using the screen or viewfinder to aim at the subject  while actually shooting the burst, the camera insists on previewing each individual picture just after it is taken which means you loose sight of the moving subject in real time so you can't keep it in the view finder. As far as i can see you cannot turn off this preview even for burst mode - when you really don't need it, crazy!. This happens at whatever burst interval is selected. Viewing the shots after completing the burst is no problem although some have missed the target!  It must be one of the drawbacks of this type of camera, Has anybody else experienced this problem? does the nikon p500 do it?

Hello again :slight_smile:

I am unaware of how the Nikon handles the 'burst' feature - hopefully someone else can provide some input on this. I can understand how the current setup can lead to the whole process being a bit 'hit and miss'.

If there are any other HX100V users who have experienced this in burst mode it would be good to hear from them.

