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Sony BRAVIA KD-55XD8588B panel problems


Sony BRAVIA KD-55XD8588B panel problems

Hello, i bought ~3 weeks ago a Sony 55XD8588 and as you can see in the image there is a cloud in the middle left of screen. The pictures are taken with backlight setting minimum then max. That cloud is easy to see on dark scenes in movies and is more bright when i look at tv from ~2m distance and even easier to see when i look from bellow-right side, so mounting the tv on wall is impossible. I spoke with support and they told me to send it to a repair center and tomorrow i will send it. I want to know if someone had a similar issue and got fixed, or if it can't be fixed will i get a replacement? I can't use this tv in my bedroom.undefinedundefined

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Hi there


Please have a read of the following two links:


Ultimately though, as your TV is new, you might want to contact the retailer you purchased it from and arrange for the tv to be exchanged with another one.





Hello, i contacted the retailer but 14 days have passed since i bought it so they told me to contact Sony. I talked with Sony support and they told me to send it to a repair center for further inspection and today i sent it. I red all articles on rtings regarding tv problems, and as you can see my tv also has some light bleed from corners, something i was aware i will have when i bought a edge lit tv, and it's something i can live with and it doesn't really bother me since it's not exagerated. But that cloud/ flashlighting from the middle of the panel it's making imposible to enjoy anything with lots of black, it's in a place that is most watched and it becomes brighter when i watch from right side. For a new TV i don't think i have to keep it as it is and use certain settings, watch it from specific angles, only use it on a bright room or watch bright content on it just so i can hide that cloud.

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Hi there


I understand where your coming from.  Some retailers its 14 days, others its 1 month...  As clouding and DSE is more of a panel issue, they will more likely replace the TV with another one.  Assuming they dont deem it as 'within acceptable limits' that is..


Please let us know how things turn out anyhow




I will post updates regarding this issue.

The retailer advertised 31 days to return the product, but when i contacted them they said since my tv is used and 14 days have passed they will not accept return... that is when i understood that 31 return days is a big lie since nodoby keeps a product sealed for 14 days and on the 15th day decides that he doesn't like the wrapping so they return it.

I have other 2 tv's worth 350$ combined and they don't have this issue at all. So i expect a ~1100$ tv to be like those two or even better. The rtings review says that X850D black uniformity isn't the best but from the picture rtings posted and what i posted i think it's easy to see that there is a problem with my panel, even if i did not use a profesional camera. I use it in my bedroom so there will rarely be light in my room and this issue will haunt me every time i use it.


Update 1:

I talked with someone from the repair center and sent them these two pictures. They asked me if i took these picture from the center of my Tv and i told them i took pictures from where i stand when i use it, which is almost the center of the tv. I think they will say it's 'within acceptable limits', but i may be wrong. Eighter way i can't say anything until they inspect it and call me back with a resolution to this problem.


Update 2:

I received an email from Sony and they say the TV is working 'within acceptable limits'. I don't know what else to say... i will try to conact consumer protection in my country but i doubt this will be solved.

10/10 will buy Sony products again.

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HI @Vsa1990


One of the community moderators has re-escalated your complaint back to Sony for their attention.  I am unsure on how this will help - but maybe Sony will give it a second look?




I thank him for his attention and intention to help. I spoke over the phone with someone from repair center and they told me they didn't actually look at the tv, they used a testing machine that gave them the result: tv is woking in acceptable limits. Then along the conversation, i don't remember the actual words since i was pretty sad/mad, but somehow it sounded like i was using the tv wrong, why do i want it to wall-mount it if i bought an ips pannel to watch it only from the middle of the screen, or i can't have more people on a movie night. As i said before, this problem is not seen on other colours or when there is light in the room or when the tv is watched from left side...but then again it's not like a tv is only to be used during the day or with the lights on. I know i sound like a picky guy and i chose Sony since they are pretty reputable of good quality and i got a bad sample to be used in a bedroom.


The tv just arrived. On the service notice it's written that the problem i calimed can't be reproduced in service. This is the left-right side view i talked about, that cloud which behaves differently depending on the viewing angle, backlight set to 25. It looks like a no-deal to me to have it on the center of the screen but a perfectly fine thing to them.

I am done with this tv, good luck to you all when buying.
