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Setting up Sky Q UHD on Sony KD75XD9405 issue


Setting up Sky Q UHD on Sony KD75XD9405 issue

Been trying to setup the Sky Q UHD on my Sony KD75XD9405 TV, but seem to get the black screen on telly before it reverts back to 1080P.


Also tried setting it from Sky Cinema, UHD films by pressing the Red button, which states you can watch it in either 10-bit or 8-bit Colour, but neither are working. 


HDMI cable is a brand new one.


I have also set the HDMI port on the TV to enhanced.


Does anyone know if this TV is compatible?  I hope so as it's brand new and wasnt cheap as you know :worried:


Or does anybody know how to fix?

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Dont have the original one they provided as it was far too short.


I will buy another high speed one and give it a go.


Perhaps the issue is with Sky Q itself, as there isnt much I have to configure or change to supposidly make it work (in theory) 

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You dont need to spend a fortune, but the IBRA range have been successful and recommended by many forum users.  See:®-Speed-Cable-Version-18Gbps/dp/B0036BD0K2/


Also, distance maybe a factor too, have a read of this interesting thread:


Distance is 4M so should be fine there.


Have ordered a new cable, so will give that a try.


Thanks for all your help, its greatly appreciated.


So it turns out it was the HDMI cable... :rolling_eyes:


It seems that the cable I bought from Craplins, which seemed compatible according to their specifications and cost £59, is not as good as the IBRA one I purchased from Amazon for £14.


At least it has resolved this issue, I now have the well reported picture judder!


Thanks to all those who responded. Your assistance is greatly appreciated. :slight_smile:

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Hi there


Thanks for posting back.  Glad it was as simple as the HDMI cable.  Have fun :slight_smile:

